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Feranmi and the girls had been shocked when Crest walked into the room with an annoyed expression.

Her usual timid and shy countenance gone. Feranmi furrowed her eyebrows as she observed the change in her.

"Crest, what's up?" PH asked.

"I changed my codename, its Blue" Crest replied as PH's eyes widened.

"Why?" Feranmi asked and Blue shrugged as she walked to her bed.

"She looks different" Mimi said and Feranmi shrugged before standing up.

"I'll be back" she said as she strode out of the room.

She placed her hand on the scanner and the door slid open after it verified her.

"Snr Tat" Feranmi called out as Tat swirled his chair to turn to her.

"What's up?" Tat asked as Feranmi sat down.

"Why did Crest change her CODENAME to Blue?" Feranmi asked as Tat grinned at her.

"I'm not in the position to tell you that but since your trainings are starting soon. You'll find out easily" Tat said as Feranmi raised her eyebrows.

"Ohh" She said as she turned to the computer in front of her and powdered it on.

"What do you want to do?" Tat asked.

"Play games" Feranmi replied as Tat moved closer to her and typed the password.

Just as how Feranmi was about to start playing games, she watched as everyone started rushing outside.

"What's going on?" Feranmi asked there was no one to answer her question and she hurriedly stood up and walked out of the room.

She soon found PH and the rest who were also curious about the situation.

"What's going on?" Mimi asked.

Feranmi shook her head "No idea" Feranmi replied as other agents started saluting.

"What's happening?" PH asked.

Feranmi looked bewildered "Let's just salute for now" Feranmi replied as they took on salute postures.

They didn't wait for long before a group of people emerged. Feranmi's eyes widened at the sight of the person walking in front.

His eyes were colder than usual, his gaze aloof and indifferent. He didn't spare anyone a glance as he walked majestically.

Feranmi had though he looked extremely hot and sexy in casual clothes but seeing him all kit up in the NSTS uniform, saliva was close to dripping out of her mouth.

Her eyes didn't waver from him and the guy in question soon noticed a burning gaze on him and his eyes flickered around.

He walked past without saying anything and until he disappeared at the end of the corridor, did everyone drop their salutes.

The older agents crowded the rest of the team while the new recruits stared at each other.

"Who the hell was that?" Mimi bellowed.

"He's so fineeeeeee" PH screeched as a few people turned to her.

Feranmi smiled and then chuckled before slowing shaking her head.

"14, Do you know him? You don't look very surprised" PH said.

"Remember the guy we talked about earlier?" Feranmi asked as the girls nodded.

"He's cute" Blue said smugly.

"He's so dreamy" PH drawled.

"Who is he by the way?" PH asked and the girls fell into their thoughts.

CODENAME: 14Where stories live. Discover now