One with the ocean// Sonia

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There was a time when I lived away from the big city. My parents and me lived as a happy family in a little shack. It sat on top of a hanging cliff, the ocean right under it. When we first moved there I was terrified, my biggest fear was I would accidentally fall. My mother noticed this and wanted to help me. She was always one to love nature, she often painted in our garden at our old house. So that's how my mother helped me, she set up an easel with a ton of paints facing towards the ocean. A fresh canvas was waiting there everyday I would get back from school. Everyday I was more excited then the last to paint. Everyday the painting was slightly different then the rest, and I would inch closer to the cliff. Soon enough I was comfortable with the cliff. I would dance around with no care in the world. I wasn't scared off falling anymore. One day I was painting and got distracted by the waves crashing underneath me. I was leaning to far and lost my balance. That day I thought was gonna be my last. Except I never felt myself hitting the water. I only felt arms wrapping around me, yet the arms weren't solid. It was as if I wanted to be let go I would just sink through. That's right... the ocean saved me that day.


"(y/n)!" I hear a familiar angelic voice say.

"Yes Sonia" I ask, keeping my eyes on my painting. If I get distracted I will never finish it.

"Are you painting the ocean again" Sonia emphasizes the again.

"Why wouldn't I paint the ocean, it saved my life. I am part of the ocean" I state, adding finishing touches to my painting.

"What do you mean it saved you and that you are a part of it" Sonia questions.

"Shh, I'll show you when I'm done!" I could hear her sit down in the sand. It only took 10 minutes to finish my masterpiece. "I'm done! Come look at it!" I jump up and down in excitement. Anytime I finish a painting it feels like a weight has been lifted of my back.

"It looks just as beautiful as your others! I love how every painting looks different even though the location is the same!" Sonia states. "Now what do you mean the ocean saved your life?"

"I fell off a cliff and the ocean wrapped it arms around me!"

"That doesn't make sense."

"Come on!" I grab her arms and run the the shore. I look back to see her slightly worried. "It'll be fine, trust me! Take off your shoes and socks!" I throw off my sandals and wait for her to finish. After she pulls off her last sock I grab her wrist, almost making her fall over.  I pull her into the water, and keep walking deeper.

"What are we doing (y/n)" Sonia asks worryingly. I keep walking paying no attention to her words. Once the water reached my neck I whispered a keyword. The water under us starts to raise up slowly, bringing Sonia and me up on it. "Woah- what's happening?!"

"Im controlling the water, duh." I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. "Up a little more please" I say to the water. It obeys me and raises us higher.

"How is this happening!?"

"The water listens to me, we're buds."

"That doesn't make sen-"

"Shhh, just look at how pretty it is!" I point towards the island. Even though we are stuck here, it is really pretty.

"It really is pretty... to bad we are here under unusual circumstances" Sonia states sadly. I tightened my grip around her waist to show her that I'm here. She smiled at my action leaning into my touch.

"Once we get off this island we all can go to a beach just as pretty as this, minus Kaz and TeruTeru of course." 

"Yes, that'd be nice." Sonia turns her head towards me. I slowly look over to meet her eyes. She slowly starts to lean in, "May I?"

"Yes please."


I feel like I suck at writing girl x reader, maybe it's because I'm straight and I write by putting myself in the story. Idk, I need to work on it.

Have an amazing day 💖

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