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Sometimes, when facing an absolute threat, humans get gifted with incredible abilities for an extremly short period. It can go from surhuman strenght to ultra-heightened senses. In the latter case, the results may be surprising.

Such as how all four students rushing to save their comrade from incredibly powerful villains managed to put together a battle plan and coordinnate themselves without consulting each other once.

No words, not even a single look, and yet, every single one of them knew exactly what to do and when.

First, Todoroki forced the villains's leader to retreat. Then, he froze the Nomu.
Bakugo followed up with the biggest explosion he could muster, and blasted the beast away, without harming his fellow student, of course.
Meanwhile, Uraraka rendered her fallen friend weightless and quickly withdrew from the battlefield.
Kirishima got ready to cover her retreat.
Todoroki and Bakugo continued to pressure their ennemies.

It all happened so fast and smoothly that the criminals didn't even get to issue an order to the Nomu. For an instant, the black mist thought that he was now facing a team of seasoned pros, used to work together.
'No wonder they're considered to be the elite of the new generation. They already have it in them. They're dangerous, we'd better eliminate them here.'

However, the teens weren't planning to just let themselves die. Each of them was now driven by a seemingly unbreakable determination. And they possessed great powers as well. Destroying them wasn' t gonna be easy.

Meanwhile, Uraraka, carrying Izuku, noticed that the latter was telling her something. She slowed down, leaned in, and listened to the best of her abilities. She barely managed to make out what he was saying in this cacophony.
"Careful...Nomu...shock...sorbtion, and... rege...ation...strong, fast... dangerous...ll Might."
A strange light flickered in her eyes.
"Don't worry, we too, are dangerous."
Izuku didn't answer.
Ochako turned her attention toward Kirishima.
"That beast has multiple assets! Shock absorbtion, regeneration and as you can see, great speed and strenght! Pass the word to the others!"
The redhead immediatly transmitted the information. However, it didn't had the effect he expected.
"That's right! The Nomu was modified specially to defeat and kill All Might! A bunch of ignorant brats like you can't hope to measure up to him!" A crazed smile stretched under the leader's mask.
"Nomu! Stop playing around! Kill the girl and catch the green boy!"

The shift was instantaneous.

The situation, wich seemed favorable for Izuku's rescue took a one hundred eighty. The Nomu had pounced forward with all it's monstuous might, and pulverized the defenses placed by Todoroki. It went past the three guardians in a flash and appeared right behind it's prey.

An instant earlier

"I'll get you out of here, I promise!"
Ochako was still running, the sharp pain in her side, coming from Izuku's shoulder's pointy remnants remainded her of her task. Despite the paralyzing fear she was feeling right this instant, she was sprinting toward the exit. She wasn't strong enough to directly help her classmates in their fight, but she could releive them of their burden. This was her duty.

A powerful chill ran down her spine. Why was the world turning dark all of a sudden? A feeling of extreme emergency and terror shook her. Without thinking, she pushed forward with every bit of strenght her body could muster, tumbling on the ground a few meters further, Izuku in tow. In the commotion, she caught a glimpse of what was behind her. The view terrified her to the point that she stopped moving altogether.

The Nomu was standing right there, its arms crossed as if it was hugging something, a somewhat dumfounded look on its face.

A flash passed through Ochako's mind. If she hadn't jumped, if she had been just a tad slower, that monster would have crushed her. She had nearly died.

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