Chapter 6 - Fuck Off

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Songs I listened to while writing this chapter:

All the time (Trap nation) - Zara Larsson

Friendz - Brooklyn Queen ft. Lala so lit

OMG - Camila Cabello ft. Quavo

Danger - Migos

Nicole's POV

I came to school early the next morning. Since I got punished I didn't get to practice my dance routine in the morning. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be dancing in a while.

I came there after I explained to Chels, Leah, and Tiffany what happened. I couldn't get dropped off by them cause they wouldn't go to school that early without a reason, so I drove to school using Leah's car, since my dad hadn't bought me a car. I texted them when I got home. This is how our conversation went.

Me: Guys I have been tortured.....

Leah: Yay, Finally I've been waiting for this day.😏

Tiffany: Me too...😄

Me: Very funny

Tiffany: Whatevs, what happened anyway?

Me: Remember when I got into a fight with the bitch?

Leah: I swear to god if this fuckin' bitch did something again.............

Me: She did. Not only is she the biggest bully and retarded bitch, she's also the biggest liar in the world listen to this.....

I wasn't an idiot like her. I sended the video I had taken when I was in the principal's office. I had put my phone in my pocket and recorded the entire lie.

Leah: This fuckin' bitch! She's so paying for this 

Tiffany: We have to think of a plan to get back at her....

Me: I know, but what?

Tiffany: Let's think about ideas and share them with each other at lunch?

Leah: Sounds good to me

Me: Me too... bye guys

Tiffany: Bye, bitch

Leah: Take a chill pill............ Bye girlfriends

I went to the office and Mrs. Bailey was there with Tamara. She gave us our papers and we practiced the morning announcements, and when the bell rang we read the announcements.

In my Calc class, my teacher was handing back tests we had last week. When she got to me, she looked at it, and then turned the paper upside down and set it on my desk.

That's never good

Bracing myself, I picked it up to take a look

A 71

Well, Shit

I sighed you could say I wasn't friends with math.

 When class ended, I hurried out of class to my locker to get my physics book and was relieved to see Archie waiting for me.

"Hey, Babe." he mumbled and kissed me on the cheek

"Hey." I replied and looked at his face "What's wrong?"

"I just got into a fight." he says with a dazed expression

Ironic isn't it

"What?" I asked worriedly, "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah... I'm okay... I just got out of the principal's office."

I just stared at him in bewilderment "What happened?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm okay now." he replied ignoring my question.I didn't question him but I knew he was hiding something.

As I got my book I turned around and spotted Nathan with the bitch.I waved at him ignoring the very annoying goat that was apparently trying to kill me with her eyes,I swear if looks could kill I would be 10 feet underground. He ignored me and turned to talk to Tamara. She smirked at me before turning and walking away with him.

"Who was that?" Archie demanded

"Oh, just a friend." I replied

"I better not see you near him." he growled

I rolled my eyes and made my way to physics


After school, I went to find Archie and I spotted him near his locker. I found him talking to a couple boys.

"She did it first." he said to one of them

"Who did what first?" I replied confused

"Nothing. Let's go." he replied

 I wanted to ask more questions but I decided it was best to do it alone. I didn't want to fight in the middle of the hallway.

When we got closer to the front door Nathan was there, Archie spun me around and crashed his lips on mine.

 I turned to look at Nathan and he did not look happy.

That's when I saw Archie smirking, he was obviously jealous

And that's exactly when Nathan punched him in the face.

Thoughts on Archie

If you guys want to listen to my Zara Larsson mix its in my profile

Which one's your favourite? 

I know there all Trap nation, but it's better than the original song.

Q: 🐶or🐱?

A: 🐶

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