Chapter 9: Sisters and Dicks 😜

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  Carol: Cookie, answer my question did you?
Cookie: I just don't hop on dicks like you.
Candace: Okay, so what happened?
Cookie: We just had dinner and joked around.
Carol: Did he taste you or something?
Cookie and Candace looked at her like what the hell
Candace: It's only been, how many days?
Cookie: Exactly, you are too hoe-ish.
Carol: At least, I have a man. What does being a prude do for you?
Candace: It gets you a good man, who loves you?
Cookie: And wants to be with you and not your pussy.
Candace gave Cookie some food to eat.
Cookie: Such a sweet sister.
She says and pecks Candace..
Carol:  She's so good that's why she after she leaves her she's going to ride her man's dick and you will be using your hands.
Candace: Why do you have to be so vulgar?
Carol: I am just saying the truth.
Cookie: Carol stop asking me about my sex life or relationships.
Carol: Who else are you going to talk to? If not your sisters.
Cookie: If you want to know then don't be vulgar..
Cookie gets Lulu's call.
Carol: Oh he is calling you.
Cookie cuts and texts Lucious

Ex Wifey 🔥😊: I don't want to talk now. I am about to murder Carol.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Should I ask Webb to help you dispose her body 😏?
Cookie laughs at this. His stupid comment just made her to calm down.
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: Don't worry, I will talk to you later Lulu.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Who is Lulu you mean daddy 🙈?
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: My daddy is dead and if you want to go to the grave then I can call you daddy 🙃.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: You killed the romance 🤧.
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: Good night..
She takes her phone aways from WhatsApp.

Carol: He is asking you to call him daddy.
Cookie: Bitch, you were looking at my phone!!
Carol: Yes, I was. So what's happening with Lucious, you guys slept together before he went to Europe.
Candace: Just stay away from her business.
Carol: Who makes love to her ex husband if she doesn't love him?

Cookie was already tired of Carol.

Cookie: We didn't make any love, it was just sex.
Candace: Well, you did say that he had the whole house decorated.
Cookie: It didn't mean anything to us. 
Carol: He is asking you to him daddy you sure about that?
Candace: Plus, he calls you all the time and is always asking after you.
Carol: When you were sick last month, he had Juanita come over and nurse you.
Candace: Kept checking in on you every one hour.
Cookie: Okay, I get it he cares about me and we made love before he went to Europe. Don't remind me!!

She says getting up from the chair and goes to her room. Her sisters follow her.
Candace: I will support you no matter what.
Carol: I just need you to have sex. I don't care who it is with.
Cookie: Please, leave me and go to your house.

She finishes her food and watches her favorite television show.
Her mind goes back to what happened months ago. Lucious has been three months on his tour right now...

May 14th, 2020
          Lucious had invited Cookie over to the mansion. They had shared a heated make out session after immediately after Yana's performance of Home is on the Way, when they were having the Bossy concert. After, the kiss Cookie just up and left.

            "Why did you call me here?" she asks as Lucious opens the door for her. She enters and sees that the house is decorated with roses and candles. "I called you several times and you didn't pick. I cancelled my trip to Europe but I was told that you bought the tickets back. "he says. " Yes, I did nobody understands Yana like you do. She needs you, plus I am not about to waste Bossy money. "she says and hangs her coat up and walks inside the house to the living room.

            "Why does the house smell so good and delicious? You have someone in here?" she asks sitting down on the couch. " I have you in here. "he says and sits down beside her. He puts her legs on his laps and brings out some coconut oil that he hid in the couch. He removes her heels and starts to massage her leg. She tries to stop him but he hits her hands off her own legs. "What are you doing?"she asks him. "You are not blind, shut up and watch tv or something. She does as she was told and he massaged her legs, ankles and all, he was able to crack some bones. When he was done with that he gave her some food and wine.

         "Why are you really doing all this?" she asks him facing him. " You know why it's because I lo.." before he completed his sentence she covered his mouth. " Please don't say that. I don't know if I will be able to let you go. "she says. " I want to stay with you."he says. " So that I can become your ex wife for the third time?" she asks. " We have both changed, this time I think it could last. " he says. "That's the same thing I thought last time but can you see a ring in my finger. "she says and gets up to leave. Before, she could leave Lucious kisses her and pushes her against the wall.

          She just enjoyed the way their tongues fought a battle of dominance. None of them, was willing to lose. Lucious carried her to the room, her legs was around his waist and they didn't break their kiss. They both fell on the bed and she was under him. They started to remove each other's clothes.

         The room smelt so nice, there was roses and candles, you could tell that Lulu was planning this even before she got here. He put off the lights, the only thing illuminating the room was the candles. They continued their battle of the tongues. Clothes scattered around the room.

      At this point, Lulu was only in his boxers and Cookie in her undergarments. He had her back resting on the pillows. They were both covered by the big red blanket and the room was cold. Lulu was giving Cookie kisses everywhere he could possible put his lips. He reached his hands down under the blanket and took of her purple lace panties down seductively.

          He took two fingers in her scorching heat and pleasured her. She was unbelievably wet and she was a moaning mess. He kept on kissing her now swollen mouth. She took off his boxers and started to stroke his member. "I don't want to go baby. " he whispered to her ears. She didn't say anything but enjoy his teasing. After a while she released and he entered her.

         "Uhh Lucious." she moaned into his ears. He gave it to her just like she's always loved since the first time they ever made love. When they were both done, they cuddled and nobody said anything for a long time. "I won't ever say it if you don't want me to. " he says. She turns and kisses him, " Go with Yana to Europe and call me everyday. " " I am going with Yana but my heart and mind will be here with you. I will miss you. "he says and kisses her forehead. " I will miss you too ex husband."she says pulling away from him trying to get off the bed. He pulls her back for another round of love making and she's laughing at his silliness...

After that we just acted like it never happened, why should I give up Alexander for something that we haven't talked about for the past 3months?

She says that to herself and goes to sleep.

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