Chapter 18: Back to Us 1💚🤍💚

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Yal, I have finally decided who Cookie will end up with. The end of this story will be shocking😂😂. You will not see it coming but you will be happy.
Yesterday, was the Nigerian Independence🇳🇬 so I have this somewhat love song by one of our popular artist.
It has some Yoruba which my second language though.
Enjoy the song it is what gave my lazy ass strength to write.

Cookie got dressed after her show in the night. She was dressed casually to go the mansion. It took her a while and when she got there she pressed the bell. Lucious opened it for her.

Lucious: I thought you would come dressed in a sexy dress or even come naked.
Cookie pushed him inside the house and walked in.
Lucious: You are very rude you know.
Cookie: Just shut up and let us talk.
Lucious: I had other plans for us.
Cookie: Let us talk first.
They sat down in the couch.

Lucious: What is up with you?
Cookie: We talked almost every single day and you never mentioned wanting me back.
Lucious: How did you know that? I always said I love you.
Cookie: You also asked me to look for a boyfriend.
Lucious: I did not expect you to find one!
Cookie: So I was just supposed to wait for you. To see if you were still interested in me.

Lucious: I guess I should have communicated that.
Cookie: You think?
Lucious: At least, I did not leave you for the other man like Alex did.
Cookie: He is just overly nice.
She sighs and lays down on the couch.
Lucious: What is going on in your head?
Cookie: My head is messed up right now.
Lucious: You want some ice cream and chips.
Cookie: Yeah let's go.

They were walking to the kitchen and Lucious wrapped his arms around her waist. " Stupid old man." Cookie said laughing. He smacked her ass. " Still as phat as I like it." He said. Cookie removed his arms from her waist and brought out the icecream while Lucious brought out the chips.

Cookie: So how is Yana?
Lucious: She is making an album now.
Cookie: Hmm, so you did not sleep with her on the tour?
Lucious: I was only thinking about coming back home to you.
Cookie: Hmm nice.
She sat down and got bowls.

Lucious: So how is Alex? You really like him?
Cookie: I love him a lot but I am in my feelings about you too.
Lucious: Are you saying you love two men?
Cookie: See, I am just a mess. If I can go through this night without having sex with you I would be really happy.
Lucious: Forget about that baby.
Cookie rolled her eyes and continued eating her icecream and chips.

Lucious: Cookie.
Cookie: Hmm
Lucious: You know even if you come here in rags you are still sexy to me.
Cookie: I know, I should not have come here with shorts and a top though. A garbage bag would have been better.
They both started to laugh.
Lucious: You are stupid.
Cookie: You are a fool.

Alexander's House.
He was in his gym exercising listening to very loud rock music. Janyah and Aurelio were talking about him in the kitchen.

" Dad, is sad and depressed cause she is not here." Aurelio says. " I did not know he was so in love with her." Janyah. " What do we do?" Aurelio. " Nothing, if it is meant to be it will." Janyah says. She went to give her dad a bottle to water.

She put off the loud music and gave him the bottle." If you continue like this you will end up wearing earing aids." Janyah says. " Life does not make sense if she is not in it." Alex says. " Why don't you go to her to telling her this. I am sure Lucious is already pleading his case." Janyah says. " I know all of that but I will not talk to her now." Alexander says. He drinks the water and goes to take his bath.

Back to Lucious

Lucious was massaging Cookie's back on their former bed as a married couple. He kissed her and well clothes came off. They had sex or made love which ever you want to believe. They were cuddling now, Lucious was kissing Cookie's neck.

Cookie: I actually missed us like this.
Lucious: Why do I feel like there is a but?
Cookie: There is a but there.
He laughs and climbs on top of her.
Lucious: Maybe if I eat you out on the dinning table everything will be cleared.
Cookie: You are a fool but just kiss me.
She put her hands around his neck and they were kissing.

Cookie: Hmm Lulu were is my stupid son.
Lucious: What is the time?
They stopped kissing and he stood up to check the time.
Cookie: It is 11pm.
Lucious: The stupid son will be back by 12am.
Cookie: I am going back to my house then.
Lucious: Oh nope, I want to wake up with you.
Cookie: I do not want Jamal to go run off to his other brothers, mom and dad had sex, that will be the headliner of the month.
Lucious: Who cares?
Cookie: I do.

Lucious carried a dressed Cookie to the extreme of the mansion where no one goes. They entered another big room. " We can stay here pumpkin pie." Lucious says. " Only if you play me something on the piano there." Cookie says. Lucious sat down to play Cookie Dream on You (Season three song before the crazy blast).

She sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. " The music always brings us back to the good memories." Cookie said. " Back to us!! " Lucious says. " Exactly." Cookie says.

Candace House..
Carol and Marcus were playing games with Candace and Morris.
Morris: So what is up with my bestie?
Marcus: Why isn't she here with Alexander?
Candace: They kinda broke up cause Lucious kissed Cookie and now she is confused.
Carol: I am really sad for her.
Morris: Cookie in her heart of heart knows who she wants to be with.
Marcus: I agree with that one hundred percent.

Andre and his brothers were together with their kids and second halves.

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