Chapter 31: Whatever 😙

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The family had gotten packed and ready for the trip. They were in Lucious's house. Taraji had already gone to L. A two days prior.

Cookie: Have you planned the sitting?
Lucious: I want the sons, their wife's and grandkids with me. You have your sister's and partners and your Bossy girlfriends.
Cookie: The trip we are taking on vacation. I will plan the sitting cause I want my grandkids next time.
Lucious: Yeah yeah.

A few hours later,

Everyone has already picked their hotel room. They have unpacked.

Cookie: When are your kids getting here?
Alexander: You have their number call them. I want to sleep.
Cookie: Lazy ass.
She laughed and called Janyah.

Cookie: When are you getting here? We want to go for lunch.
Janyah: I had to stop by my friend's house.
Cookie: Get your ass over here.
Janyah: I will after kissing this cute boy.
Cookie: Let your father hear that.
She laughed.
Janyah: Ehh, that old man.
Cookie: Give the guy the kiss and head on here.
She hanged up.

Alexander: Who is giving who a kiss?
Cookie: Stop eavesdropping.
Alexander: I am going to sleep.
Cookie: Are you that tired?
Alexander: I removed three brain tumours yesterday.
Cookie hugged him on the bed.
Cookie: Sleep, my baby.
She kissed him.
Alexander: Enjoy lunch.
Cookie: I will babe.

She got up and went to her sister's room. The Bossy women met her outside Candice room.
Candice: Let's go, girl.
Morris got out.
Carol joined them and they went downstairs to the restaurant.

Lucious shut down the lunch for his family because they were a lot. The tables and chairs were arranged for all of them. They had name tags so there would be no argument.

Taraji, April, Marcel and her stylists ( Tim, Jason and Ashunta) we're already there with Lucious.
Lucious: Where are the rest?
Cookie: Call them or something.
Taraji: Hey Cookie.
Cookie: Wassup sista girl?
She said sitting down.
Taraji: I am cool. Where is Alex?
Cookie: He is tried and sleeping.

Carol: Lucious, have you separate the grandkids tables?
Lucious: Yes. Let me introduce you to Taraji's family.
He did that.
Cookie: Your son is so cute and he looks like the male version of you.
Marcel: Thank you.

Jamal walked in.
Jamal: Lucious, I ain't sitting with people older than 39
Hakeem: Let's break the table.
Andre: You guys should join us.
He said to Taraji's people.
They got to and went to the other table.

Jannah walked in with Aurelio. She ran to Cookie's back and hugged her.
Cookie: Who is that?
She turned and saw Janyah.
Janyah: Your baby girl.
Cookie: I have missed you.
Aurelio: Am I invisible? Besides, you went shopping last week.
Cookie: Shut up.
She got up and hugged them.

Taraji: I am guessing you are Alexander's children.
Janyah: Yes we are.
She smiled at here.
Aurelio: Where is my father?
Cookie: He is tired. He is sleeping in the room.
Janyah: Yeah, his assistant told me that he had three surgeries.
Aurelio: I am going to wake him up.
Janyah: I am going to sit with my future siblings.

Carol: Is she calling them Jamal her future siblings?
Cookie: Yeah, she is apparently.
Marcus: Would you and Alex get married?
Alexander: Hmm, good question.
They looked up to him.
Aurelio: Saw him coming out of the elevator.
He went to sit with the youngsters.

Boring Boring Boring

The Ama's was very fun and everyone enjoyed themselves. They were flying back to New York. Taraji didn't follow Lucious because she has to shoot for her Facebook watch show.

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