Chapter 22: Let It be Out There😕

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I have started to write this chapter a long time ago. I was not motivated to finish it.

What do you guys think about Taraji in this story😂😂?
I know you guys love Coocious but you can not hate Taraji😌.

Taraji woke up in the middle of the night and got up. She went to Lucious room. She pat him to move over. She laid down beside him. They were cuddling 😀.

Taraji: Do not do anything stupid!
Lucious: Go back to your room.
Taraji: But why? I am not going.
Lucious: If I touch your ass do not say nothing.
Taraji: Stupid old man.
They both laughed cause Lucious was not going to do that🤔😏🙃.

Cookie was the first one to wake up in the sisters. She did her hygiene. Her sisters woke up subsequently to that.

Carol: What are we doing today?
Candace: I say we go by the pool.
Cookie: That is a very good idea.

After the other sisters got dressed they went downstairs for breakfast. The waiter came over and asked what they wanted.

Cookie: I will just have pancakes with syrup with a apple juice.
Carol: I need some toast bread, eggs, bacon and sausage.
Cookie: Are you eating for a nation?
Carol: Mind your business! Also give me some pancakes and apple juice.
Candace: I will have pancakes and some bacon with orange.
Waiter: Coming right up.

When the waiter left.
Cookie: Carol, are you pregnant?
Candace: It would be so funny to find out that she had a dream about you and she is the pregnant one.
Carol: Shut up b*itches. I am not pregnant.
Cookie: If you say so...
Candace: We believe you.
The sisters laughed and another waiter came.

Waiter 2: The gentleman over there said to give you a cappuccino on his behalf.
She said pointing to a light skinned man.

( I am not going to think of a new name for him)

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( I am not going to think of a new name for him)

Candace: Give who?
Waiter 2: All of you, he has been staring at your sister since you got here.
Cookie: Obviously cause Carol is dressed like a fool.
Waiter 2: Nope, he has been staring at you.
Cookie was about take a sip of the cappuccino but she dropped it.
Cookie: Me?
Candace: Oh damn!

Carol: They all want a piece of the Cookie.
Cookie: Please return it and tell him thank you.
Candace: Never waste food. Or a black man's money.
Cookie: Well then enjoy.
She says getting up.
Carol: Sit down it is not a big deal. 
Cookie: Send my food to the room.

When she leaves the man follow her. They enter the elevator together.
XX: My name is Terrence Jenkins.
Cookie: Didn't ask and don't care.
She looks to the other side.
Terrence: That hurts my feelings.
Cookie: Still do not care.
Terrence: I am sorry for ruining your breakfast. Can I do something to fix it?

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