Hi i'm Lilith and i'm 12! I have been in the orphanage for 9 year because my Mom abused me for getting raped by my stepdad. I live at Lindy Orphanage in La.
Mrs.Cox=Mc Lilith's POV: I woke up to Mrs.Cox slapping me to wake up. Yes that is her real name and it is so funny Mc: Wake up you dumb bitch we have visitors downstairs L: I'm up i'm up now leave Mc: Watch your tone with me L: Ok Ok fine she leave and i drag myself out of bed. I get up and put on this
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With Black high top vans and my hair in a ponytail. I head downstairs and to the kitchen. intercom=I I; All 10-14 girl come to the front. I walk to the front and just sit on the couch. Mc: Ok girl i have the visitor in my office so BE GOOD. All the 5 girls nodded there head but i just listened to "Fine line" by Harry styles on my iphone se and read "milk n honey" 😏 and " bruises"!
Some random girls came up to me. I didn't know them though.
Rg1: Why are you here it not like they will pick you Rg2: No wonder Mrs.Cox hates you Rg3: Ya you are so dumb that you have to read these easy books after they did that the started to hit me. Until someone yelled at them to get off. I didn't recognize his voices i assumed it was the visitor.
Joshes POV: I woke up at about seven am because i was adopted today. I have been wanting to do this for long time and the boys agreed. I felt so nervous that i could faint. I Got ready and Anthony came up to me. A: Yo bro do you want me to come with you so you don't pass out on the way there? Jh: Yes please A: Ok i'll tell the boys we're leaving Jh: They up A: No but the group chat they always check there phone when they get up Jh: Oh ok
We walk down and see Quinton Jh: I thought you said they all were sleeping A: When did you get up Q: Like 10 minutes ago where are you going? Jh: Adoption center to Adopt a daughter Q: Cool can i come? Jh: Ya lets go: We all get into the car and start to drive there
Time skip
We get there and only i walk in. I sign on at the front counter and they told me to got to the office on the left so i do Mc: Come in please sit down Jh: Hello i'm here for a 10-14 year old girl. Mc: Ok one second
she leaves and it is silent until i hear my phone beep
Q: Please hurry Anthony is blasting one direction Jh: Ok i'm going to look in a second i'll be out in like 10 Q: ok hurry Jh: Bye buddy Q:Bye J
Me and Quinton have always been close. Mrs.Cox walks back in and tells me where the are. I walk in and see a girl getting hit Jh: HEY STOP THAT The girls that where hitting the other girl looks at me then lines up in a line while the girl that was being hit was just crying in a ball. I walk up to her Jh: Hi i'm josh what is your name L: L-Lilith Jh: Hi Lilith who old are you L: 12 Jh: How about you come with me to see Mrs.Cox L: More like Mrs. Coxucker I tried to hold in my laugh but i couldn't Jh: Let's go get the papers so i can help you pack
Lilith's POV: I was done packing and i pick up my bunny Leo
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And walk to Josh Jh: Hey you ready L: Ya but my leg hurts Jh: Do you want me to carry you? L:Please He picks me up with a shocked expression L: Am i to heavy i can walk!? Jh: No No No you are really light L: Oh sorry Jh: Why are you sorry? he asked while walking out L: Um never mind he starts to tickle me L: Heyyyy stop that tickles Jh: It's supposed to he stops Jh: Ok so i have some roommates L: Ok how many Jh: 7 L: Ok that's Cool Jh: Hey look we are at my car i wiggle out of his grip and he opened to door for me reviling a young blackish blond haired boy. ?: Finally he has been blasting one direction L: IF YOU TOLD ME THAT THERE WAS ONE DIRECTION PLAYING I WOULD HAVE HURRIED SO I CAN LISTEN TO IT. ??:I like her L:Hi i'm Lilith ?: Quinton ??: I'm Anthony Jh: Ok get in the boys are waiting L: Ok