Hi i'm Lilith and i'm 12! I have been in the orphanage for 9 year because my Mom abused me for getting raped by my stepdad. I live at Lindy Orphanage in La.
Maddison's POV: I woke up in Quintons arms. Q: Mornin baby M:Omgggg his morning voice Q: Aww you like my morning voice. M: What huh Q: Haha M: Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Q: What M: We have to get up He lifts the covers and looks at me. M: Ha i put my underwear back on. i stand up M: Well maybe they are yours Q: Give me them M: No I run to the bathroom and lock the door. Somehow he unlocked the door and walked in with his pants on. I look at him and he shows me that he is wearing mine M: OmgHAHAH I throw some shorts on a sports bra and run out the door. What i didn't realize that half of the underwear was hanging out. I ran past my dad but he stopped me Jh: Maddison Lee Richards get your ass back here I slowly walk to the other boys and my dad M: Yes Jh: Isn't that the underwear that i bought Quinton Sunday I look down and look back up M: Nope i don't think so Q: BABE CAN I PLEASE HAVE THEM BACK M: GIVE ME MINE BACK. G: What the fuck are you talking about He sees Quinton walk down struggling J: Please tell me you didn't Q: What nooooo Jh: MADDISON M: Yes father Jh: Please tell me I pull off one of my sock and give it to my dad. Jh:Wtf is this for He hands it to me M:MASTER HAS GIVEN DOBBY A SOCK.... DOBBY FREE ELF!!!! I say while running to my room Jh: MADDISON RICHARDS DOWN HERE KNOW Right as he said that my other dad walked in A: What did Maddie do this time!? Jh: She fucked Quinton while we were drunk M: We're did you get the fucked part Jh: Your limp A:MADDISON LEE N: Maddie you fucked up K:And Quinton Jh: KIO K: Sorry J: We are going to have a talk with you and Quinton Q: What why me i'm am very aware of what happened and what it could lead. I step on his foot Q: Owww Jh: Please tell me you- M: We did and I'm leave bye bye. D: MADDISON FUCKING RICHARDS DID YOU FUCK QUINTON M: Nooooo Av: Aahhhh fuck daddy M: I'm leaving byeeeeeee i run to my room and take a shower and change into this
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Instead of the nike pros it's another pare of Quintons underwear. I walk into my room and see Quinn with wet hair. M: Took a shower? Q: Yup I go and sit in front of my mirror with my makeup bag.
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Soon all the boys pail in my room. jh:But did you use protection I stand up and walk out. I go to Quintons Room to do my makeup. When i finish my makeup it looks like this
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I skip downstairs and into the kitchen. jh: Put some shoes on M: Why Jh: Me and dad need to go to the mall M: So why am i going A: Because your driving I slip my crocs on and as i walk i yell out to my dads M: Oh ya dads. A: Ya honey M: Don't fuck each other in my car this time all you hear is laughing from the boys Jh: Maddison! Q: Ant never top again it was awkward but i mean Josh enjoyed it A: QUINTON Me and Quinn laugh and me and my dads walk out.