Joshes POV:
Today Maddison and Quinton have school. I head to her room to wake her up and i see Quinton and there "kids". They are doing online school and stuff like that but i still have to have them keep a good schedule. I wake up Maddison and Quinton
Jh: Hey guys it's time for school so y'all need to get up.
M&Q:Mhm now leave
Jh: Ok ok i'm leaving
I walk out and think of how good of a dad i am because i am right? i start to think how bad of a dad i am. I start to shake them i can't breathe
B: Yo bro you good
Jh: Y-a
B: You should really sit down
Jh: N-o i-m g-o-o-d
B: No s-
M: Omg dad sit down before you faint
I sit on the floor with my legs to my chest. Soon Maddison is behind me drawing shapes on my back saying
M: Breath in ... Out... In... Out...
soon i calm down and start to calm down.
M: Are you ok now
Jh: Ya i'm ok
M: What happened
Jh: I was just over thinking that i'm i bad dad!
M:Well don't because your not
she said while hugging me. i hug back
Jh:I am
M: Yes you are. Even if i don't have a mom i do have bryce to be a "mom". Also you saved me from a lot of things like that orphanage. And if you didn't i would be with an abusive house or something even worse. Also i wouldn't have meet Quinn. All of you make my happy and also i do need to tell you something.
i was confused but i just nodded
M: Ok before you get mad i stopped the day you adopted me because i know that that you would never hurt me...
She started to lift up her sleeves to show her cuts. I just stand there for a minute.
M: Look i'm sorry but if i knew that you would hav-
before she could say anything else i hugged her. Soon after a lot more people hugged us.
N: Please don't ever do it again
M: Promise
Tb: Promise?
she held her pinky out and we took turns shaking it
Q: What happened?
M: Bubba I need to show you somethingQuintons POV:
I was scared of what she had to show. She started to lift up her sleeves and it shows all her cuts we sit down in the kitchen
Q; Princess?
M: Ya?
Q: I need to show you something to
i lift up my shorts to show the cuts on my thighs.
M: Aw bubba why?
She moved on my lap hugging me
Q: It was just so hard i felt like i had nothing in a room full of everything. I was in a dark place i just wanted to end it and i was but then you came the day i was
M: Bubba you have to promise never to do it again
Q: Ok
I hold out my pinky and she
links hers
Q&M: Promise
after that she hugs me and i hug hug back. After about 3 seconds i feel more arms around us. It was the boys.Sorry it was short

Adopted by swayla
FanfictionHi i'm Lilith and i'm 12! I have been in the orphanage for 9 year because my Mom abused me for getting raped by my stepdad. I live at Lindy Orphanage in La.