Hi i'm Lilith and i'm 12! I have been in the orphanage for 9 year because my Mom abused me for getting raped by my stepdad. I live at Lindy Orphanage in La.
HERE IS THE UPDATE YALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Maddison's POV: I was talking to Quinton in our apartment. We Decided to get out own place instead of living with the boys forever. i have been keeping a secret... IM PREGNANT. Ahh omg crowd goes wild! Are you surprised tho his dick is BOMB... I mean SURPRISE!!!! Anyways he is taking me on a date today and imma tell him there. I start to get ready I do my makeup
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and the dress
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Quinton:BABYYYY Maddison: COMING HOLD ON I run downstairs trying not to sprain my ankle (ahah me) Quinton:Finally! Maddison: Don't rust perfection Quinton: Baby your perfect even if your in sweats and a hoodie! (My heart ❤️ ) Maddison: *makes weird squeak type noise* Quinton: You good or do i need to call the boys Maddison: That was so fuckin cute!!! Quinton shakes his head and leads me to the car. He opens the door (like he should💅) and i hope in. We drove to this fancy as- shit i forgot there were children..Wait poop nuggets! Anyways he took me to this fancy restaurant with a really pretty view of the ocean! We walk in hand in hand. Quinton: Griggs Lady: Right this way sir she smirks at him like bitch you see me ya his ✨baby mama✨ ya bitch back off😒. We get seated and ordered. After we finished our food Quinton stands up and all the tables are being pushed away... Quinton: Maddison i have known you since we were twelve.. We would joke around and ever since i have loved you with all my heart... I have been wanting to do this for week and weeks after i got both your dads permission tho. he bent down on one knee Quinton: Maddison (Idk if i have her a middle name) Richards will you marry me? I have tears in my eyes Maddison: Yessss! He stands up and spins me around. Maddison: Baby wait i have a surprise He sets me down and i go to my bag. I pull out the pregnancy test Maddison: Surprise!! Quinton:OMG IM GOING TO ME A DAD!!! WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS!!! Maddison:Ya we are. He picks me up and our stuff and puts me in the car Maddison: What are we doing! Quinton: Your dad and the boys! Maddison: Omg 😂 He just speeds off. In about 10 minutes we pull up to their house. Quinton:BOYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I hear the normal stampede and some smaller steps. OMG I FORGOT TO TELL YOU GUYS So let me explain Person+Person=Kid or kids Josh+Anthony=Maddison, Dakota, James Griffin+River(idk just made it up)=Mya Millie Bryce+Addison= Luca Tylor Jaden+Mads(they worked things out)=Kayla Kylie Kio+Olivia=Malory Noah+Dixie=They are expecting but don't know the name yet You pick what they look like Dakota: MADDIE BEAR James: PRINCESS POTATO Quinton: Damn i see how it is Dakota:QUINTOONNNN James: DUMB BITCH Anthony:JAMES Josh: That's my boy! Anthony:JOSH Josh:I mean JAMES James: Sorry dads Out of nowhere William comes out Maddison: UNCLE SCOOTER (don't ask) Quinton:UNCLE SCOOTER William: IM HERE! Quinton: Go sit down i'll get everyone into the living room He whispered to me I walk away while he rounds. After everyone is sitting i stand up and So does Quinton William: Whats that! He pointed to my finger Dakota: No Way Josh: He did it today! Anthony: Ayeeeeee Millie: wow dada it is wike mama and you Taylor: Annaoop Kio: Aye Quinton Everyone is in aw of the ring so i brake the silence Maddison: One more surprise Josh:There was only one when we talked I pull out the pregnancy test Anthony: Oh shit 😳 Josh:IMMA BE A GRANDMA Maddison: Grandpa dad grandpa Josh:nah grandma We all laugh and have fun
It was the end of the night and my and quinton decided to go home. I unlocked the door and kicked my shoes off. I take off the dress and put on one of quinton hoodies. He does the same. Quinton: Good night princess potato Maddison: Good night prince pickles