chapter 0.5

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//i want to kiss you until the stars go out, i want to run away with you somewhere we can start over\\

{luke's pov}
I woke up in pain. My head was throbbing and I wasn't in my flat? I vaguely remember what happened and how I got to Kylie's, not sure how I actually managed to drive my bike. I groaned clutching my hand, seeing the bandages. God, what the fuck did I do?

"Are you okay?" A small voice came from the corner of the room. I looked up and I saw her standing at the door in my blink shirt.

I smiled and nodded, while at the same time, wincing. She didn't need to know I was in physical and mental pain. She didn't need to know the dark details of my past although I had a feeling I was going to have to tell her something. There was absolutely one thing I did remember from last night, her holding me while the warm water drowned us. I felt a weight shift on the bed and opened my eyes. She sat, cross legged, on the edge of the bed as if she were scared to come near me.

I turned over and sat up against the headboard, looking at her flawless features. God, she was beautiful.

"Come sit with me. Please," I say wanting to be near her. She climbed towards me laid on my chest.

"Are you sure you aren't in pain? I could get you something," she asked. I could feel her words vibrate through my chest. I gently played with her hair, smoothing it out.

"Princess, I'm ok. I think," I say a little unsure of myself, knowing that eventually she will ask me what happened, and sure enough she did.

"Will you tell me what happened now..." She asks, a little unsure of herself. I chuckle at her sudden shyness.

"Well, to be honest, I was drunk. I was with some people, with at a bar and something went wrong. I'm assuming this gash on my wrist is from a broken beer bottle," I say, telling her the most truth I could without bringing her into something she definitely didn't want to be in.

She nodded listening to every word carefully. "But you're so beat up..." She says looking up at me. "You should tell the police so you can have justice."

I chuckle, but then immediately clutch my chest feeling the pain fill my body which resulted in me coughing instead of laughing. She sits up quickly looking at me full of concern.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I say. "Don't worry about me, princess. I've had worse." Her eyes went wide, but I ignored it.

"I will never file a police complaint okay?" I say looking at her seriously. Kylie gazes up at me and asks why, but I'm not exactly how to tell her without making her scared of me.

"I'm, uhm, in the system. Needless to say I don't get...along with the police, okay princess?" I say carefully. She nods and looks down at her hands contemplating. She looks back up smiling and kisses me on my bruised lips. I smirk into the kiss, leaning in to pull her closer, my hands getting lost in her hair as the kiss got deeper. She pulled me closer, her small frame up against mine. She moans, pulling away.

"I don't care what you've done, I just care about you," she says looking up at me. I nod and look at her pulling her close so I can whisper in her ear.

"You're so hot, princess," I say cautiously. "And no one has ever cared about me as much as you have in the minimal days we've known each other."

She giggles taking my hand. "Come on and sit in the living room with me, it might help with the pain, being up."

I throw the covers off of me, realizing I'm still only in my boxers.

"Uhm, babe, can you hand me my jeans?" I say smirking at her. She blushes picking them up and throwing them to me. I say a quick thanks and pull them up my legs. I take her hand once again and follow her into the living room.

"What do you want to do?" She asks me smiling, that innocent smile of hers although she doesn't look like it.

"I think I have an idea," I say pulling her into my lap. She's almost weightless as she falls effortlessly on top of me. She laughs and looks up at me.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" I ask, pushing her hair behind her ear as she shakes her head no.

"Well, you also look so unbelievably sexy in my shirt too, babe. Please don't take it off or please do," I say teasing her, pulling the shirt up to expose to cute little panties. She blushed bright red trying to pull my shirt back down her thighs, but not being successful.

"Will you stay tonight with me?" Kylie asked. I nod yes kissing her cheek.

"I can't wait to teach you all the good things in life, babe," I say kissing the inside of her thigh. "Let me take you out for real tomorrow after I run an errand. Some place special to me okay, princess?"

"Okay, but I have one question?" She asked, her face still red from when I kissed her in a more intimate place.

"Ask away, beautiful."

"Why do you call me, princess?" She asked.

"Because you're going to be, my princess." I said kissing her hard. She really was going to be my one and only princess.

thank you for reading, I promise the playlist will be up very soon!

Thank you Darnell, for helping me write this chapter!! Keep commenting and voting!

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