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A FEW DAYS HAD PASSED SINCE THE "DOUBLE DATE" THAT TIKTOKROOM CALLED IT, OF WHICH IT WAS ACTUALLY JUST TWO SIBLINGS AND THEIR FRIENDS GOING SHOPPING AND GOING FOR FOOD AFTERWARDS. Eliza and Jaden had found it quite funny that everything they posted together meant they were together, when that clearly wasn't the case.

The two were just friends. Very close friends, even close to being best friends even. The last few days, Eliza had grew her relationships with all the boys, all of which wanted to have her in a tiktok with them to see if they would get the same reaction to her and Jaden.

They didn't.

No matter how many times Blake, Noah or Kio danced with Eliza in a tiktok, tiktokroom did not care about them.

It was later in the evening, Eliza was sitting in her room when she heard a knock at the door. She paused her tv, Professor McGonagall's face frozen on the screen.

"Come in!" Eliza shouted after debating whether or not to get up from her bed. Looking at the door, she smiled as Jaden's head poked around, a smile prominent on his face.

"Well well... Jaden Hossler, of what do i owe the pleasure?"

"I got you something." Jaden said, his smile increasing as he watched Eliza's eyes grow wide.

"Woah Jaden, we only met over a week ago... let's hope it's not a wedding ring." Jaden laughed shaking his head as he opened the door more, making himself more visible.

"Oh my gosh you didn't!" Eliza exclaimed, jumping out of her, Jaden opening his arms for Eliza to run into. But instead, the girl ran straight for the chili's bag.

"Right that was rude." Jaden mumbled, as Eliza walked back to her bed with the bag in her hand.

"Sorry." Eliza said, carefully placing down the bag before turning around to Jaden, bringing the boy into a hug.

"What you watching?" Jaden asked the girl as he walked further into her room, Eliza crashing onto her bed, grabbing the chili's bag as she leaned against the headboard.

"Harry Potter!" Jaden exclaimed, scurrying over time Eliza's bed, resuming the film, professor Mcgonagall's face no longer being frozen, instead she was having a go at the infamous trio.

Eliza laughed at the boy's reaction, inching herself over allowing the boy to join her on the bed, their shoulders touching as he sat himself comfortably.

"Right... this is the question." Eliza said, picking out the food from the bag, handing Jaden his food before grabbing her own. Jaden looked over at the girl. "Why have you brought me this?"

"What can I not have an excuse to see you?" Jaden said, Eliza rolling her eyes as she placed her food on top of the bag, squashing it down.

"You don't need an excuse Jaden." He nodded as he picked up a piece of his food, directing his attention to the film.

"No but seriously, what have you done wrong?"

"Nothing!" Jaden exclaimed, directing his eyes away from the screen to see Eliza blankly looking at the boy. "Okay so Josh might want us to be in his teatok tomorrow."

"I knew it!" Eliza said, flicking the side of Jaden's face, bringing the boy to gasp.

"And I also wanted us to hang out." Jaden added on, Eliza smiling at the boy before falling on to his shoulder.

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