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ELIZA AND JADEN SAT DOWN AT THE KITCHEN ISLAND, TAKING A BREAK FROM THE INTENSE GAME OF UNO THE HALL AND HOSSLER FAMILIES WERE CURRENTLY HAVING. After having of heard that Eliza won the uno game at the Hossler home a week ago, well let's just say Bryce did not like the fact that his sister won, his competitive side showing. Meaning, Bryce commended for a rematch, to which neither John nor Jaden denied. Amy and Lisa were playing, but their attention was more drawn to the bottle of wine they were consuming.

Plural on the word 'bottle'.

The two mums were now onto their second bottles of wine, neither one of them having any intentions of stopping any time soon, thus the reason why Jaden and Eliza were sitting in the kitchen now. John and Bryce had secretly teamed up on the two mums, both placing plus four cards down, and well let's just say that wasn't a good idea nor a good decision from the two.

The glares Bryce and John had received from both Amy and Lisa was deadly, the two men being six foot under if looks could kill.

"who do you thinks going to die first?" Jaden asked his girlfriend as they both leaned their heads, so they could see into the living room that was opposite the kitchen, the two teenagers seeing a staring competition commencing between the four. Sophie and her husband, alongside Haley were just sat there, watching the two mums and Bryce and John, have the competition, the whole situation growing quite amusing for the three.

"I don't know, but J why is my twitter feed blowing up over this?" Eliza questioned, the boy focusing his attention onto the girl as he turned around. Eliza was holding her phone out, as ever since having of posted that tiktok of her and Jaden in the car earlier, well let's just say her twitter blew up.


the amount of tweets Eliza got, as well as tags on tiktok and instagram, got the girl very worried, her first thoughts being brought back to the day where her phone blew up over the whole Charly and Jaden scenario.

"i don't know?" Jaden answered with his own question, his shoulders shrugging as Eliza passed her phone to him, allowing the boy to read through the numerous tweets. "Oh."

"What!? Why you saying oh?" Eliza questioned the boy, repeating her question as Jaden did not answer, instead he continued to read through Eliza's phone, a smirk crawling onto his face.

"Jaden Hossler you better tell me why said 'oh,' or I'll smack that smirk right off your face." Eliza said in a low voice as an attempt to be intimidating. It didn't work for Jaden as the boy just changed his smirk to a smile, giving the girl a wink as he pulled the phone closer to his chest.

"oh nothing."

"My ass is it nothing." Eliza clapped back, the two trying their hardest to not break their serious looks at one another.

"it's just something I've told you already."

"what?" Jaden just responded with handing Eliza back her phone, allowing her to look down at the photo Jaden had clicked on.

"Jaden liked the comment that said 'like if you love Eliza.'"Eliza mumbled to herself as she read the tweets. The girl then looked up to Jaden, the boy looking confused as Eliza looked at him, her eyes widening.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jaden questioned, the boy looking and feeling worried as to what the big deal was, he had already told the girl he loved her.

"Did your comment just confess that you love me?"

Jaden let out a laugh, shaking his head as he thought the girl was joking.

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