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incoming imessage

eliza's best friend

eliza's husband
hey kio

eliza's best friend
is she pregnant

i swear jaden if you're texting me now
saying that eliza is pregnant

i will chop your dick off right now

eliza's husband
woah woah

you were always pro us having children what

eliza's best friend


eliza's husband
no she's not

i mean well she hasn't done the test yet

i was going to ask if you could come over, keep her company whilst i go to the nearest shop thats open and go get one??

eliza's best friend
your lucky that bitch is my best friend

cause i wouldn't come over to anyone else's house
at 3 in the morning.

I'll wake up riley, and tell her eliza has an emergency

eliza's husband
eliza said you can bring riley if it's easier

eliza's best friend
i would

but in this time of need

i think my best friend needs me and me alone

no offence to you obviously

eliza's husband
no i get it

riley can always come over later in the day

eliza's best friend
yeah true

okay, I'll be there in 10 mins maximum

eliza's husband
you are a lifesaver kio

eliza's best friend
i know right

eliza's husband
you are defo eliza's best mate aren't you

eliza's best friend
you wouldn't have it any other way

could you imagine if you had to text bryce rn

boyyyy you would be DEAD





eliza's husband
yes thank you for reminding about that kio

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