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"SO HOW DOES IT FEEL BEING EIGHTEEN?" Addison asked Eliza as the two girls sat in a restaurant with Avani, Charli and Dixie. Having breakfast out was the best cure for the girls after Eliza's party the previous night.

Looking up from her coffee cup, Eliza looked to her right at Addison, giving the girl a shrug in response. The breeze of the air conditioning making Eliza shiver for only a second, before quickly warming herself up again.

"I've been eighteen for a day." Eliza said as she drunk her coffee. "You excited for your birthday Dixie?"

Dixie looked up from her phone, nodding her head hesitantly, making Eliza narrow her eyes to the girl. "Are you not excited?" Dixie shrugged her shoulders as Charli scoffed at her older sister.

"Dixie you best be excited." Charli stated, Addison and Eliza looking at one another as the two D'Amelio sisters stared at one another. Avani just shook her head as she leaned back on her chair, watching it play out between the two sisters.

"Okay okay you two." Eliza said after allowing the two siblings stare at one another, occasionally making comments to one another. "That's enough."

"Yes mum."

Eliza laughed at Dixie's comment, the rest of the girls shaking their heads with smiles on their faces. Looking down at her phone, Eliza noticed a lot more comments popping up on her notifications, making the girl shake her head.

"What you shaking your head at?" Addison asked the girl, as Addison noticed the girl not engaging in the conversation with the girls, instead looking down at her phone.

"Just all these comments on my posts annoy me."

"Like what?" Avani spoke up, Charli and Dixie looking at Eliza too, now all five girls listening to Eliza.

"You get the loveliest comments from fans and stuff, and then you get-"

"The assholes?"

Eliza nodded at Avani's comment, all the girls shaking their heads as Charli pulled Eliza to her side.

"Just think about it like this." Charli spoke up, Eliza lifting up her head from Charli's shoulder as the youngest girl spoke. "There's more positive comments than hate. That's all that matters, as it makes those hate comments irrelevant."

"Right how is that Charli's the youngest, yet is the most mature and motivational?" The girls shrugged their shoulders as Charli shook her head at Eliza's question.

"Guess I'm just the best." Charli said, flipping her hair as Dixie held her hand up, shaking her head.

"Alright that's enough we don't want to boost her ego."

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