Chapter 2

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" Steve wouldn't like that very
much. "


" Not bad! " I said getting up, dusting it.

" I thought you were strong. " Strange commented and I gave him a death glared.

" Why dont you go back to you're ancestral thinking. Girls are supposed to be weak, right? " I snapped as I saw Peter swoop down. His body upside down.

" Let me just say it. If Aliens wind up implant the eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry. " Peter says and I chuckled.

" I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip, you understand? " Tony asks.

" He meant something's coming. " I said and Tony furrowed his eyes brows.

Suddenly, a grenade rolled to our feet and blasted. I was sent back flying. I became invisible as I landed on my butt for the second time today.
I looked around and saw the chaos.

There were three people. One was a girl with some kind of antennae on her head who was attacking Peter. Another one was flying in the air, along with Tony with some kind of boosters on his feets. Another one looked like a stone built or something. Not exactly though.

Finally, everyone stopped, I noticed Tony was pointing his blaster at the big guy while the man who looked like he's a human held Peter.

" Alright, everyone. Calm the fuck down. " I said getting visible. I was hoping the guy would leave Peter but he didn't.

" Steve wouldn't like that very much. " Tony comments and I looked at him.

" Seriously? Now? " I ask and he shrugs.

" I'm gonna ask you one time. Where is Gamora? " The guy asks.

" I'm gonna do you one better. Who is Gamora? " Tony asks and I smirk.

" I'll give you one better. Why is Gamora? " The man says, on the floor and I burst out laughing.

" He's funny. " I said shrugging.

" You tell me where's she or I'm gonna French fry this little freak. " He says and I gasped.

" Don't make me tape these antenna! " I warned, holding out a hand for the antenna girl and she was dragged towards me, her neck in my gloved hand.

" That's Mantis. Don't call her that. " He hisses.

" That's Spiderman. Don't call him that. " I mock him and he frowns.

" Just do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go. " Tony says charging his shooter.

" Do it Quill. I can take it. " The guy on the ground says.

" No! He can't. " Antenna says and I smirked.

" But you better see, you know. You loose two from you're group. A greater loss. " I say, pointing at the girl in my captive, constantly trying to get away from my grip.

" Stop moving, Antenna! " I hissed and she glared at me.

" You don't wanna tell me where she is, it's fine. I'll kill all four of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself. Starting with you! " He says and to Peter and I focused on his weapon. It instantly flew out of his grip to my other free hand.

" Tut tut. " I said waving it.

" Wait, Thanos? Let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve? " Tony asks and I looked at him.

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