Chapter 6

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" You were supposed to make a move. Whatever! "

" Guys! It worked! " He says and a big missile hits the Upstate, destroying everything.

Y/n's Pov
I woke up in a plain area, only orange lights around and I saw no one. I was all alone here. Recalling what happened, I looked at my arm, hoping the stone's still there and I was glad it was.

" Why do I feel like it should be used soon?" I asked myself looking around, still.
There was no one around me. I sighed sitting down, hoping everything was fine.

Suddenly, a portal opened beside me.

" It's been five years. They need us. " I heard Doctor Strange's voice and grinned.
I was still in my suit. I got up, floating out of the portal and looked at the scene in front of me.

There was a huge army of Thanos, him standing in the centre front of them. I looked for Tony and saw him, in his suit along with Thor and Steve. A small smile formed on my face when I saw them it widened as Peter swung out of another portal, landing a bit ahead of me.

I saw many other people come out of many portals and sighed.

" Let's get to work. " I said to myself.

" Is that it? " I heard Strange from beside me and chuckled.

" You want more? " Asks his friend.

Tony lands beside me and I sighed.

" Ready, kid? " He asks and me and I looked at him.

"What do you think? " I ask and the next thing I know, he pulled me in a tight hug.

" Oh! " I sighed in relief.

" Avengers!, " Steve's voice made us break the hug and look at him.

" Assemble! " He yells and many roars were heard.

" See ya! " I said, floating myself in the air, putting the creatures on fire that came in my way. I planned on heading to Thanos. I landed on the ground and saw a creature coming my way.

" Oh, you'll regret that! " I said, holding my hand in front and a big wave shot, causing him to fly backwards, hitting a few more creatures.

" Told ya! " kicking another one while I said that.
I saw Thanos's so called child again and smirked.
I floated towards him, ashes around me as I fly. I folded ny hands, knotting them, causing the squid to scream in pain.

I looked behind as I heard Peter's whoops and saw he was being surrounded many creatures. I left the squid and jumped high in the air, lightening my fist and hit it hard on the ground, causing an explosion and the creatures fell out of the way.

" Hey Pete! " I said, putting forth a hand and he grabbed it, a goofy grin on his face.

" Hi! " He breathed out and I groaned.

" You were supposed to make a move. Whatever! " I say and grabbed him by his neck, placing my lips on his.

I didn't leave him anytime to respond and broke the kiss, pushing him away and grabbing whatever was thrown our way.

" Woah! " Peter says and I frowned.

" Thor! Watch it, you nearly killed my
soon-to-be boyfriend! " I said, spinning the hammer and leaving it, it went hitting the creatures while Thor and Steve looked at me shocked along with Tony and Pepper who were shooting creatures like a power couple.

" You're not the only one! " I winked and turned to Peter. He was still awestruck.

" Pete! Not now! " I said and he broke out of trance, shooting a web behind me and pulling it. I did a backflip, knowing it and landed on whatever it was.

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