Part 3

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"Remember. Wednesday, 11 AM. See you there."
Taehyung's words have been haunting me for the past two days.
It's Tuesday already, yet I still haven't figured out how to sneak out & meet Taehyung.
Should I just let him tell people about what we did? People might not believe him anw since he doesn't have proof. Wait, what if he does? What if he secretly records us or something? No, that's too risky. Abeonim will kill me either way.
"Miss, the car is ready. It's time for you to go." Hana's call breaks my daze.
"Oh ok. Let's go." I grab my bag & follow her out of the mansion.
"I will pick you up after class to go to your flower arrangement class. Have a nice day." She opens the car door for me & bows.
"Oh, you're not dropping me off at the university today?" I ask in pleasant surprise.
She's being a bit loose on me these days. Is she doing it on purpose? Did Abeonim instruct her to do so to test me?
"I have something I need to take care of at the mansion. I'll see you later." She says as she hurriedly closes the car door.
Maybe I can somehow fool her so that I can go meet Taehyung. But if she finds out, she'll report it to Abeonim. Huh.. I don't know what to do. I better study for my exam first for now.
I open my bag, looking for my notes, but then I can't find them.
"Oh no, I forgot to put them into the bag. Park Heejin ssi, could you please turn back around?" I urgently ask the driver.
The car makes a U-turn towards the mansion.
Ugh, I was too preoccupied with Taehyung that I've lost my mind. How could I forget such a simple thing?
I run upstairs right away to my room. As I open the door, I hear a rustling noise from my walk-in-closet.
Hana ssi?
Cautiously, I tiptoe closer & peek inside.
Hana is frantically rummaging through my things in the cupboards & drawers.
What is she looking for?
All of a sudden, she stops. Thinking that she notices my presence, I quickly hide myself behind the wall.
But then, I hear no footsteps approaching so I brace myself & take a peek again.
She's examining my gold-plated pen, a gift from Abeonim when I entered college.
What is she going to do with it?
I gasp in shock when I see her putting the pen inside her pocket. Seemingly hearing my voice, she instantly turns towards me & meets my eyes.
"M-Miss Y/n, I- I- I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Please don't tell Sajangnim about this. Please." She immediately drops to her knees & clasps her hands together, begging.
"Why are you stealing from me? Hasn't Abeonim paid you enough?" I'm more surprised than angry actually. I couldn't care less that she steals my pen, because I never like it anyway.
"My mother is suffering from leukemia & I'm struggling to pay the hospital bills. The call I received that night at the charity ball was from the hospital, urging me to pay the outstanding bills, otherwise they would have to discharge my mother. I've tried asking for a loan from Sajangnim, but he only laughed at me saying that it wasn't his problem. So I- I- I'm so sorry." She cries into her palms.
I feel pity for her & want to say that I forgive her, but a thought crosses my mind.
"Alright, I promise I won't tell Abeonim about this, but you have to do one thing for me." I straighten my back & clear my throat.
"I'll do anything. I can't afford to lose this job." She lifts her face & says.
"I need you to cover up for me."

Wednesday, 7:38 AM
I wake up with the sound of my heavy heartbeat pounding in my ears.
It's today. Are you sure that you want to go Y/n? You don't know him. He might do something harmful to you.
But I have no choice. His threat is too dangerous to ignore.
I throw my feet off my bed & step towards the restroom.
Wait, where is Hana? She's usually here at this hour. Is she bailing on me? Has she told Abeonim about my plan?
Adrenaline rushes into my blood as a gripping fear suffocates me.
As if on cue, my bedroom door swings open & Hana walks inside with head lowered & a pained expression on her face.
Relief washes over me, knowing that she's still on board with the plan.
"You're late." I try to sound as nonchalant as possible.
"I-I'm sorry, Miss." She bows at me, her eyes rolling left & right restlessly.
"I'm going to take a shower now. Please prepare my outfit."
"Y-Yes, Miss." She immediately scurries to my wardrobe.
I take off my nightgown & stare at myself in the mirror. With my forefinger, I trace the spot on my collarbone where Taehyung left a hickey that night.
The purplish mark has gone a long time ago, but I can still feel the delicate skin burning under my touch.
A tingling sensation travels from my core up to my stomach as the scenes from that night flashes inside my head.
Is he going to ask me to-? No, I must not agree to that, no matter what. But.. Will I be able to resist his temptation?
The question lingers, although I already know the answer to that. An answer that I refuse to admit.
I quickly take a shower & put on the outfit that Hana picked for me, a long-sleeve light pink shirt & an ankle-length beige pleated skirt.
Checking myself in the mirror, I let out a small satisfied smile.
This should be good enough.
I should be terrified for rebelling against Abeonim's command, which I am, but somehow I'm excited to meet Taehyung as well & I want to look nice for him. My emotions pull me at different directions, making me deeply conflicted, which is new for me. Something very different from my usual mundane, flat, emotionless world.
"Let's go, Hana ssi." I grab my bag & motion towards the door.
"Wait, Miss. Are you sure you want to do this?" Hana catches my arm & stops me, her face full of worry.
"Why? Are you scared?" I throw her a cold glance.
"Of course I am! What if- What if Sajangnim finds out? He'll kill both of us! No. He'll kill me first & make you watch, and then torture you until you're broken inside & out." She exclaims hysterically.
"Is my father that evil in your eyes?"
Her grip loosens in an instant, realizing what she has just blurted out.
"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"You're right. He'll do that to us & more if he knows that you're helping me doing something out of his control. That's why we should be very careful. Let's go before Abeonim gets suspicious." I tilt my head & signal her to move.
I walk down the stairs & see Abeonim right away. He's sitting on the leather sofa in the living room, reading a newspaper.
"Good morning Abeonim." I put both hands together over my stomach & bow at him.
"Morning. Are you going to class?" He asks without lifting his gaze.
"Yes. I have class until 2 PM today & then I need to do some research at the library for my political science class." My voice doesn't even quiver the slightest. I'm getting good at this lying game.
"Is that right, Hana ssi?"
I glance at Hana, hoping that she doesn't mess it up. "Yes, sajangnim. I will personally accompany her at the library as well." She nods & answers professionally like usual.
"Good. Now go on." He dismisses us with a flick of his hand.
"I'll get going first. Have a nice day Abeonim." I bow at him & calmly walk to the front door.
"Good job, Hana ssi. Keep it up." I whisper to Hana once Abeonim is out of ear shot.
"Y-Yes, Miss."
The first stage has been passed. Now, it's time for the second stage.

10:27 AM
"You've sent e-mails to all of my professors to excuse me from the rest of the classes today, correct? Are you sure that you haven't missed anyone?" I ask Hana as we walk to the back entrance of the campus.
"I'm sure. I told them that you have a private family gathering that you need to attend to." She nods.
"Good. I'll be back here probably around 3 pm. Wait for me at the library, in case Abeonim sends someone to check on me."
"B-But Miss.. Where are you going exactly? I mean, you'll be back, right?" She stutters nervously.
"I can't tell you where I'm going, but don't worry, I'll be back for sure. I've memorized your number, I'll call you if anything happens. I need to go now, see you later!" I wave at her & run to the exit.
"M-Miss! Be careful!" She hisses.
I turn away from her, heart already racing in anticipation.
Kim Taehyung, let's see what game you are playing.

11:14 AM
The beach is empty at this hour, which is favorable for me, but the heat is starting to become unbearable.
Beads of sweat pepper my forehead, prompting me to wipe them away with the back of my hand. I check my watch for the umpteenth time & scan around.
Where is he? Has he forgotten? Or is he fooling me?
"Ugh.. I can't stand this anymore. Where is he?" I crouch onto the sand & bend my head towards my knees.
"Boo." A low male voice suddenly resonates right by my ear, making me jump in surprise.
"Omg, you startled me!"
"Sorry Virgin. I didn't know that you're such a scaredy-cat." Taehyung chuckles.
He looks a little different today. Instead of black, he's wearing an all-white outfit, plain white T-shirt, white jeans, & white jeans jacket. Still smoldering hot as always, nonetheless.
"You're late." I frown at him as I swipe away the sand on my skirt.
"You're beautiful." He stares right into my eyes & glides the back of his forefinger over my left cheek.
Such simple touch from him is enough to send shivers down my spine, but I try not to let it show.
"Cut the bullshit. Tell me what you want. I don't have all day." I slap away his hand & say.
"Oohh, feisty. You're such a different person when your father isn't around & I like this version of you so much better." He smirks.
"I told you to cut the crap. What do you want from me?" I cross my arms & put my guard up.
"Nothing. I just want to go on a date with you." He shrugs.
"What?! Kim Taehyung, do you have any idea what I'm risking to meet you today? My life, basically. And I did it because I thought it would be important. But you don't care, do you? You think playing with me is fun just because you have something on me. I'm out of here." I shout at him & stomp away furiously.
"Wait. I'm not playing with you. I understand the heavy consequences you'll face if your father finds out about this, but I really want to get to know you better & if I didn't threaten you, you definitely would never come to see me. Now that you're here, please stay." He grabs my hand & spins me around to face him, his brows twist into a deep furrow.
He does look & sound genuine, so I decide to give him a chance.
"A date? That's all you want? You can have all the girls in this town, why would you want to go on a date with me?"
"I told you, you intrigued me. Besides, that night with you was the best sex-"
"Shhh! Don't ever mention that again." I quickly muffle his mouth & glance around, afraid that someone might hear it.
When I focus my eyes back onto him, he's staring at me with an amused expression.
"S-Sorry." I embarrassedly take my hand off his face.
"No problem. So shall we go now?" He offers his hand to me.
"Where are we going? You're not going to ask me to- you know.." I look hesitantly at his hand as my cheeks blush a deep shade of red.
"I would never force you to do something that you don't want to. Trust me." He nods encouragingly.
"O-Ok then. But I have to be back at campus at 3 PM. Otherwise-"
"Otherwise, what? You'll turn into a pumpkin? Don't worry, I'll get you back before that. Unless.. you want to spend the night with me." He raises his brows teasingly.
"Kim Taehyung!" I widen my eyes & gasp.
"Hahaha! Come on, let's go before you turn into a pumpkin." He holds my hand tightly & pulls me towards a motorcycle that's parked right below the lamppost.
"Wear this. We're going for a ride." He hands me a helmet & flashes me his boxy grin.
I stare at the heavy round plastic in my hand & contemplate on what to do.
If I jump into this, there's no turning back. He will officially breach into my life.
"What's wrong?" He asks as he puts on his own helmet.
"N-Nothing. I'm just nervous because this is my first time riding a motorcycle." I try to conceal my inner turmoil.
"Wow, I guess I get to be your first again today. Don't worry Virgin, I'll be gentle." He whispers as he helps me put on the helmet.
Thank God for the helmet, otherwise he would see my face combust like an overripe tomato again.
"Hop on." He commands & I do as he says.
I grip his jacket tightly & close my eyes.
Here goes nothing.

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