Part 24

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Two weeks later, Taehyung POV
The humming noise of the fan fills my eardrums as I blankly stare at the grey ceiling.
How long have I been here? Three months? Four months? I've lost count since the monotonous days have jumbled together into a recollection of blurry images.
The room doesn't feel as claustrophobic anymore, but sleep still doesn't come easy. Not a day passes without me thinking about Y/n & the baby inside her.
Has she aborted the baby? Or maybe she has changed her mind?
"Huh..." I let out a deep sigh & close my eyes, trying to picture her inside my head. The affectionate & loving her before that awful night.
I meticulously draw each of her features, tattooing them on my brain. Her eyes that would turn from melancholic to vibrant when she saw me, her succulent lips that demanded to be kissed, her long black hair that was softer than the most luxurious silk, her delicate fingers that tingled my skin with her every touch.
A small smile lifts the corners of my lips. My longing for her has been soothed ever so slightly. However, my little bubble of joy bursts instantaneously when the image of her scowl during our last meeting pierces right through it.
I'm sorry Y/n ah. I really am. If I could turn back time, I would choose to leave you alone.
A single bead of tear rolls down my temple & I let it drop to the cold hard mattress.
If only pain could evaporate as quickly as my tears.. I sniff.
"5031! You have a visitor!" Officer Lee unlocks the door to my cell & calls out.
Who is it this time? It surely isn't Y/n.
I reluctantly throw my feet off the bed & get up.
"It's a guy, in case you're wondering." Officer Lee says.
I smile faintly at him & shrug. At this point, I don't even care anymore. The people who are truly important to me are all gone.
However, when I see Jimin sitting on the other side of the separator, my eyes involuntarily light up.
"How is she? How's the baby? Has she forgiven me?" I ask as soon as I pick up the phone, hopeful.
"I'm not here to talk about Y/n." He replies with a flat expression.
"Oh. Why are you here then?" I slump back to the chair disinterestedly.
"I've found your sister."
I jolt out of my seat as if I just got struck by a lighting bolt.
"Y-You found her? What do you mean? Is she- Is she dead or alive?" I shoot the questions at him, heart rate rapidly increasing.
"She's alive, but her condition isn't that good. All the drugs they injected her have caused her to become delirious."
"How did you find her? Where is she now?" I place my palm on the separator, wishing that I could break it & get out of here.
"Don't worry, she's in good hands now. Long story short, Kang sajangnim had been secretly confining her in the psychiatric ward of the hospital you brought her to. Kang sajangnim used his connection & told the people in the hospital to conceal her identity. Y/n bumped into your sister, who was under the name of Shin Minji at the time, when she tried to escape from the psych ward & became suspicious of her true identity. Y/n then asked a nurse to help her find out more about Shin Minji without knowing that she is in fact your twin sister. The nurse gave us Shin Minji's files & we discovered that her real name is Kim Taehee. Combined with the story you told me, we figured out that Shin Minji was indeed your sister."
"Omg.. She never left. If only I tried to look a bit harder, I would've found her. I'm such a moron." I gape in disbelief & curse inwardly at my own stupidity.
"I doubt that. Kang sajangnim had hidden her so well that no one would have been able to find her. If Y/n hadn't accidentally bumped into her that day, we would've never found her."
Taehee is alive & safe now thanks to them.
The heavy weight on my shoulders has finally been lifted & a ray of hope begins to shine over my gloomy  despairing heart.
"Thank you. Thank you very much for rescuing her," I nod at him in gratitude, "but does your boss know about her escape? How did Y/n react after knowing the truth?"
"You don't need to thank me, I didn't do all this for your sake. Kang sajangnim knows about her escape but he currently has other more pressing problems to attend to. As for Y/n, I told you I'm not here to talk about her. On another note, I have a proposal for you." He sits up straighter & inserts one hand into his trouser pocket.
"What prop-" I barely finish my sentence when he pulls out an expensive-looking watch out of his pocket & puts it on the table. My eyes open wide as the realization dawns on me.
"Is that the watch that your boss accuses me of stealing?"
"It is. I can send this as evidence to the prosecutor's office right away & claim that you didn't steal it. It will probably lessen your sentence."
"Then why don't you do it?! You obviously know that I didn't steal it. Wait, how did you get that watch? Were you the one who stole it? Did you set a trap for me?" I ask, confused whether he's a friend or a foe.
"That's not important. I will send this to the prosecutor's office, but you have to do something for me in return." He says as he puts the watch back into his pocket.
"I want you & your sister to sue Kang sajangnim & testify for his crime in court. Don't worry, it won't be too difficult. I've gathered enough evidence & witnesses to prove his wrongdoings, but I need you to convince your sister, the victim, to sue him."
"You want Taehee to relive her traumatizing experience? No! I won't do that to her. Why are you doing this anw? Aren't you working for him?" I exclaim.
"I have my reasons. All I want is for him to be jailed for a long time & never be able to hurt anyone else. You have to do this." He leans forward & looks at me right in the eyes. Gone is the calmness in his gaze, replaced by a deep sense of urgency.
"W-What does Y/n say? Does she want me to do this as well?"
"She- I'll give you 2 days to think about it. I have to go now." He abruptly changes the topic & rises from his seat.
"Wait! At least tell me how is the baby doing? Did she- Did she go through with her plan?" I can't bring myself to say the word 'abort'.
He stares at me for a long second before sighing heavily.
"She didn't-"
"Thank goodness!" I huff as relief washes over me.
"-but she lost the baby. Her father pushed her during an argument & caused her miscarriage."
My legs instantly lose all their strength & I plop down heavily on the chair.
Our baby.. Our baby is gone.
"Another reason why your sister needs to sue Kang Jihwan. Do it for Y/n, for your lost baby." He turns away & grabs the door handle.
"Wait! What happened to Y/n? Is she ok? Where is she now?" My heart feels like it's about to jump out of my mouth as I anticipate the worst.
"She- She's in a much better place now. I'll see you in 2 days." He quickly opens the door & walks out.
It feels like the ground has collapsed underneath me, swallowing me whole into the darkness. Blood drains from my face as chills travel throughout my body. The pain in my chest is so intense that I have trouble catching a breath.
"No. It can't be. You're lying." I can barely recognize the hoarse croak that comes out of my throat.
"Park Jimin, come back! Tell me you're lying! Tell me you're lying!" I hit the glass separator & scream to no avail.
I caused all this to happen. It's all my fault. If only I didn't seek revenge.. If only I hadn't seduced her.. If only I had stopped when I had the chance..
"Don't try to beat the devil & then become the devil himself."
Jimin's warning to me that day at the church echoes in my ears as the guards drag me back to my cell.
I should've stopped that day. Now I have accomplished what I set out to do, avenging my sister, an eye for an eye, but at what expense? I have become the devil & lost everything that matters.
"I'm sorry Y/n ah. I'm so sorry." I murmur as I curl up on the cold bed & unstoppable tears flood my face.

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