Part 14

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The next day at the library, Y/n POV
We're back to square one again.
I sigh as I check my phone for the umpteenth time, yet still no message or missed call from Taehyung.
Ugh, this is so frustrating. Should I just call him? But this time it was truly his fault. He was the one who started the fight. Ok, let's be the one with the bigger heart & text him first.
However, just when I'm about to type something, a text from Taehyung comes in.

However, just when I'm about to type something, a text from Taehyung comes in

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"How am I supposed to go see him? Jimin will find out for sure." I mutter to myself in frustration.
"Miss, are you ready to go?"
Speaking of the devil, Jimin suddenly appears from behind. I quickly shove the phone back into my bag & turn around to face him.
"Uhm.. Actually, I need to discuss something about my PoliSci project with Professor Yang. Could you please wait here while I go to his office?" I randomly grab one of my notebooks & say.
"Oh alright. I'll go with you." He readily picks up my bag & the remaining books which are scattered on the desk.
"No! I mean, you can just sit here & wait for me. I'll be back soon, I promise." I push him down onto the chair & quickly turn on my heels to leave.
"Miss. Miss!" He whispers loudly, but I ignore him & continue running.
My pulse is racing so rapidly that my heart feels like it's about to burst.
And then, I see him. Sitting on his motorcycle with a cigarette tucked in between his lips, looking so effortlessly breathtaking in his regular black leather jacket & a pair of dark-colored jeans. His curly hair falling over his forehead, partially covering his eyes.
When he turns to me & our eyes meet, I feel such an immense joy, as if my gateway to paradise has been opened again.
"H-Hi." I say in between heavy breaths once I arrive in front of him.
God, I almost forgot how gorgeous he is in real life.
He gets off his bike in silence, only staring at me with an unreadable expression.
"Tae?" I tilt my head in confusion.
In a swift move, he pulls me into his embrace & hugs me so tightly that it makes me difficult to breathe.
"T-Tae.. I-It hurts.." I repeatedly tap his arm to let him know.
"Omg, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" He abruptly releases me & searches my face in concern.
"I'm ok. You just hugged me too tightly that I couldn't breathe." I smile at him.
"I'm sorry. I just missed you so damn much that I thought you would disappear again if I didn't hold onto you." He says as he gently caresses my cheek with his thumb.
His simple touch sends shivers down my spine, awakening the lust that has been buried inside me.
"I missed you too." I look up at him, straight into his deep dark eyes.
"Fuck. I can't stand this anymore. Come with me." He grabs my hand & pulls me towards his bike.
"W-Wait! I can't go. Jimin is waiting for me in the library. If I don't come back soon, he will-"
"Screw Jimin! You're my girlfriend & I need you. Now." He lifts me up & sits me down on the back seat of his bike.
His hoarse demanding tone somehow turns me on. I can feel that he wants me so badly like I want him.
"Where are we going?" I ask as he puts on a helmet over my head.
"Somewhere where no one will bother us." He grins.
"But I need to come back by-" I can't finish the rest of the sentence because he muffles my mouth with a kiss.
"Don't think about other things, princess. Just think about me." He winks & wears his own helmet.
We zoom through the busy streets & go further away from the city center until we reach the shoreline.
Half an hour later, he parks the bike at a familiar spot & takes off his helmet.
"The secret beach?" I ask.
"This is the only place where no one can find us. Let's go." He smiles & offers me his hand.
Blood pumps loudly in my ears, drowning the sound of rolling waves, as we take the same rocky steps towards the secret beach.
Are we going to- Ya! Why are you so perverted?! Maybe he just wants to talk.
"Woah, it's still as beautiful as I remember." I gasp at the view once we get to the spot.
"You are far more beautiful." Taehyung whispers & snakes his arms around my waist from behind.
Heat instantly spreads from my core throughout my whole body as I feel his bulging manhood rubbing against my backside.
"S-Stop it. You're making me blush." I chuckle to get rid of my nerves to no avail.
He abruptly spins me around & smash his lips onto mine. His hand firmly grips the back of my head & tugs my hair back to deepen the kiss.
"Fuck, I want you so bad." He grunts when our lips part for a second to catch a breath.
Our fingers fumble with buttons & zippers in an explicable urgency. Soon, we're stripped down to our underwear, the cool sea breeze blowing on our skins.
He carries me to a shaded area of the beach & lies me gently down on the sand. His lips travel down my jawline to my breasts, leaving tender kisses along the way. Expertly, he unclasps the hook of my bra & take it off.
"T-Tae.." I squirm, feeling extremely aroused.
He doesn't stop there though & goes even lower until he reaches my soaking wet panties.
"N-No. Don't." I cover up my private part with both hands in embarrassment.
"Shhh.." He removes my hands & pushes my legs further apart.
I close my eyes & bite my lower lip nervously.
"Ahh!" I exclaim when his hot tongue touches my clitoris, lapping my folds.
It's a sensation that I'd never ever felt before & it drives me absolutely crazy.
"T-Tae, I can't- Please." I groan as I grip his head, trying to pull him away.
"Just enjoy it, princess." He says & continues what he was doing.
The knot in my core becomes tighter & tighter, but right when I'm about to hit climax, he stops.
Confused, I open my eyes only to be met with his dark lustful gaze.
"Not so fast, princess." He smirks before inserting his shaft deep into my hole.
"Ahh!" I yelp in a mixture of pain & pleasure.
He thrusts his hips slowly at first, letting my muscles adjust to him, & then he begins to pick up his pace.
His dick rubs vigorously against my sensitive inner walls & the tension in my core starts to build up again.
"T-Tae.." I whimper.
"Open your eyes. Look at me." He commands & I readily obey.
Then, he moves faster & faster without breaking eye contact with me. It is so intense that I can't take it anymore.
"Ahh!" I exclaim as I dig my nails into his back & explode into a mind-blowing orgasm.
"Fuck!" He groans & comes inside me a few second later.
He rolls over me & pulls me close to him. I lay my head on his chest & close my eyes, listening to his rapid heartbeat until it gradually slows down along with mine.

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