Part 17

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Two months later, Jimin POV
Not a day passed without me thinking whether I made the right decision that day.
Y/n, or the person I used to know as Y/n, is gone. What's left is a hollow shell, an emotionless robot.
What would happen if I didn't tell Sajangnim about her meeting Taehyung again? Would they successfully escape? No. Sajangnim would find out anyway.
But I can't help but feel guilty. All I wanted to do was protect her, yet I ended up contributing to her tremendous heartbreak.
I thought she would get over it soon & move on. Well, I guess I underestimated her feelings for Taehyung. She truly loved him & the betrayal was just too much for her to bear.
I watch her through the rearview mirror on our way back to the mansion from the university. She is staring blankly out the window, dark shadows encircling her sorrowful eyes. Her cheeks sunken, her skin deadly pale, her shirt hanging very loosely on her gaunt frame. She's lost a lot of weight in such a short period of time & it makes her look more dead than alive.
She's stopped talking as well, unless absolutely necessary. Her once beautiful smile never appears on her face again, as if her facial muscles has forgotten how to do so. When Taehyung is ripped out of her life, he took all of the good things in her with him & left nothing behind.
It is extremely unfair. Why is she the only one suffering because of the actions of those two evil men, who cared about nothing but themselves?
However, what's done is done & there's no turning back. The only thing I can do right now is watch over her & make sure nothing bad ever comes her way again.
The car screeches to a halt in front of the main entrance. I quickly get off & open the door for her.
"Abeonim, I'm home." She bows at her father when she sees him sitting in the living room.
"How was your day?" He perfunctorily asks.
"It was good." She answers emotionlessly.
"Good. Now go to your room." He commands before going back to reading his book.
Are you fucking blind?! Can't you see that she's slowly dwindling into nothing? She's your daughter for fuck's sake! At least show her a little warmth & compassion!
The strong urge to snatch the book from his hands & throw it on his face is so strong that I have to clench my fists tightly to stop it. I want to scream at him, punch him & take her away with me right now, but I can't.
Be patient Jimin ah. You need to wait for the right timing.
I follow her up to her room & wait for her to open the door.
"Is there anything else I can do for you, Miss?" I ask & she replies with silence, which I'm already used to by now.
"If there's nothing else, then please excuse me." I nod at her & step away.
I've barely walked a couple of steps when I hear a loud thud behind me. I quickly turn around & find her lying unconsciously on the floor.
"Miss. Miss!" I rush to her & cradle her head in my arm. Cold sweat drenches her forehead & her skin feels as cold as ice.
"Shit." I curse as I lift her body up & carry her into her bedroom.
I gently lie her down on the bed & frantically fish out my phone to call the doctor.
"Don't.." Her faint whisper stops me from dialing.
"Miss, are you alright? What happened?" I instantly stoop down beside her & ask in concern.
"I'm fine. Just leave me alone." She turns her body away from me & pulls the blanket up to her shoulders.
"You are obviously not fine. If you don't talk to me, I'll call the doctor right now." I threaten.
"Ugh.. Why are you so annoying? I'm just feeling a bit nauseous, that's all." Seemingly believing my threat, she turns back around to face me.
"That could be a symptom of something much more serious than you think. We should ask for the doctor's opinion." I frown.
"Stop exaggerating. I just have an upset stomach because I haven't been eating properly. Get me some antacids & I'll be ok." She insists.
"Alright. But if you don't recover tomorrow, I'll call the doctor right away. I'll go get you some antacids & ask the maid to cook some abalone porridge for you now."
"No. Please no seafood. I want to throw up every time I smell anything fishy. And no kimchi as well. Just a whiff of it makes me sick." She grimaces.
My heart stops for a second hearing her request.
Could it be- No. No way..
"Miss, how long have you been sick?"
"About a week or so. Why?" She looks up at me, confused.
"When do you usually get sick? I mean, in the morning, afternoon, or night?"
"Well, all day basically. But it gets worse in the morning. What's up with that face? You haven't answered my question. Why are you asking me this?"
"I'll be right back." I turn on my heel & swiftly dash out the door.
Please don't let my suspicion be true. She's suffered enough. She won't be able to handle another blow.

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