Part 16

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The day drags on as I keep checking the time.
My anxiety grows along with the ticking clock.
6:58 PM.
Finally time for dinner. A few more hours left to freedom.
I take a deep breath & check myself in the mirror.
Put on your best mask Y/n ah. You need to convince them that you've given up.
Carefully, I step down the stairs towards the dining room & see that Abeonim is already sitting down at the head of the table as usual.
His eyes lift up from his plate when he notices me coming. Jimin is standing near the wall behind Abeonim & he too looks up at me.
Heart beating fast, I keep my head low & walk to Abeonim's side.
"Do you have something to say?" Abeonim frowns & asks.
"Abeonim, I've thought long & hard about my action yesterday & I regret saying those hateful words & being disrespectful towards you. I've come to understand that everything that you do is to protect me. Please forgive your foolish daughter, I promise I won't do it again." I go down on my knees & bow down to the floor.
The deafening silence in the room perturbs me.
Didn't he hear me? Why is he not saying anything?
"Get up. I think you've really learnt your lesson, so I'll accept your apology." Abeonim sighs & pulls me up.
Pheww.. He bought it.
"Thank you very much, Abeonim." I bow at him again.
"Everything I do is for your own good. Keep that in mind. Now, sit down & eat." He instructs.
"Yes, Abeonim." I nod & take a seat beside him.
I can feel Jimin's gaze on me, but I pretend not to notice.
Ugh, just seeing him makes me so mad. I'm glad that I won't have to see him ever again after tonight.
We eat the dinner in silence as always. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.
"Y/n ah.." Abeonim suddenly calls.
"Yes, Abeonim?" I nervously swallow my food & reply.
"What's your schedule for tomorrow?" He asks without looking at me.
"Oh. I have class from 9 AM to 3 PM as usual, if you allow me to go out that is."
Well, tomorrow I'll be far away from here, but you don't need to know that.
"You may go to class as usual, just make sure that you don't disappear again like yesterday." He wipes his mouth with a napkin & nonchalantly says.
That's it? He forgives me that fast? Wow, my acting must have been very convincing. I smile & inwardly pat myself on the back.
"Thank you Abeonim." I pretend to be understatedly ecstatic & bow at him.
"I have some work to do in the office. You may go up to your room once you're done. Jimin ah, accompany her." He throws his napkin on the table & rises from his seat.
"Yes, Sajangnim." Jimin obediently bows.
"Yes, Abeonim. Have a good evening." I stand up as well & wait until he exits the dining room before sitting back down.
"Did you mean what you said earlier? That you've realized your mistake? That you won't repeat the same mistake again?" Jimin approaches me & asks.
I pretend not to hear him & continue eating.
"Answer me, Y/n- I mean, Miss." He urges.
"Y/n? Who allowed you to call me by my name? And what I said to my father is none of your business." I shoot him a death glare & leave the table.
"Miss, please don't do anything that you'll regret." He says to my back.
"The only thing I regret is not firing you on your first day." I turn around & snap at him.
His sad eyes unsettle me, so I quickly avert my gaze & walk away.
Don't let him bother you Y/n ah. Just focus on tonight. You'll get out of this prison soon.
I lock my bedroom door & take my phone out of the drawer to text Taehyung.

I lock my bedroom door & take my phone out of the drawer to text Taehyung

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