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Today was a shit day in Jason's opinion.

Not only did he wake up to the smell of something burning and he was also forced to Dick's sugary cereal. And then he had to go train for an hour and only got to rest for two minutes before Hank had told him, more like demanded, that he get a few supplies from different supplies that Jason was sure that they didn't even need.

On his birthday.

He would have thought that at least Bruce would have remembered but the man hadn't even called him. In fact he had blocked him. Not even Alfred had tried to send him a card for his birthday.

Jason wiped at the tears brimming in his eyes angrily. He was not going to cry just because the people he thought loved him had forgotten his birthday. He would not. He would not. Shit, he was crying.

As he continued his way up titans Tower he began thinking.

He had truly enjoyed his time during the week before his birthday and he and Donna have become so close and he and Rachel have finally settled their differences. Hank has become more bearable and so has Dick. Kori had become like a second mother to him and so has Dawn. Gar had truly become his brother and he thought that he and Rose had been going somewhere but guess that was off the table.

When the elevator doors finally slid open he set the packages down on the floor and tried searching for the light. When he flicked it open he was shocked.

“SURPRISE!!!!” Everyone screamed in happiness. Jason couldn't believe his eyes. A huge banner that said ‘Happy Birthday Jason Todd’ hung proudly up in the sky and streamers were decorated everywhere.

“What's this?” he asked in shock.

“Your birthday, little one.” said Diana happily as she came forward and gave him a huge hug. Jason couldn't believe it

He was being hugged by his favourite League member and she had come to his birthday.

“Happy Birthday Jay-lad. Sorry we had to force you to do manual labour throughout the day but we wanted to surprise you.” said Bruce giving his forehead a kiss and pulling him into a tight hug. Jason didn't even have it in him to be embarrassed.

“Birthday, nerd.” said Rose as she handed him a gift and kissed his lips briefly before turning around and walking away. Jason blushed bright red and he heard Bruce chuckle behind him.

“Happy birthday, sweetheart.” said Kori as she pulled him into a hug. Jason blushed lightly at the endearing term and returned her hug.

“Come on. Blow out your candles.” said Rachel excitedly while Gar pushed him forward.

“Make a wish first.” said Donna softly.

Jason closed his eyes slightly and wished. ‘I wish I could remember that people will always love me.’ he thought before opening his eyes up and blowing out the candles.

“What did ya wish for kid?” asked Hank intrigued.

“Shhh. You're not meant to tell anyone you wish.” said Gar.

“Of course Gar. Now come on birthday boy. Dance with me.” said Donna before grabbing both Jason and Gar and dragging them to the dance floor. Soon everyone had joined them, the only ones not there were Dick and Bruce.

“I'm glad that he's feeling happy here.” said Bruce quietly to his former protégé.

“I don't know Bruce. We- I wasn't exactly the best when he first came to live here.” said Dick.

“But you learned. You learned not to judge a book by its cover and you learned that Jason is-”

“-is an amazing person and you're lucky that you adopted him.” said Dick, cutting him off.

“Exactly. Now about that pretty woman I saw you with.” said Bruce suggestively.

“Shut up.” Dick said without any real heat.

“Bruce, are you sure I can't take him to Themyscira. My mother would love him and he's polite.” complained Diana as she joined the father son duo.

“Yes, I'm sure. I still need to beat Selina off. She's trying to convince me that Jason could make an amazing Gotham Siren.” muttered Bruce, taking a sip of his punch.

“I agree. The boy needs a woman's influence.” Diana protested.

“No-” Bruce was cut off by a small bundle by the name of Jason Todd running to him and engulfing him into a hug.

“Thanks, dad.” he whispered. Diana's eyes shined and so did Dick's. From behind Jason Bruce could see his teammates smiling at the show of affection. Suddenly Diana got a gleam in her eyes that made Bruce grain internally.

“Little warrior, how would you like to visit Themyscira for a week.” asked Diana, bedding down to be at his height.

Jason turned to her and excited gleam into his eyes. “For real!?”

“Oh, absolutely. You just need to ask your father.” she said, smirking vindictively at Bruce. Jason, completely unaware of the tension, turned and shone his bright eyes at him.

“Please Bruce?” he asked, pouting slightly.

“Of course you can Jay.” Bruce said through gritted teeth. He was not about to ruin Jason's special day, no matter how badly he wanted to kill Diana for being vindictive.

“Yes! This is the Best birthday ever!” yelled out Jason happily.

“Come on. Presents.” said Dawn grabbing his small hands and leading him to the presents table.

“I doubt any child could be as nerdy as Jason but as angry as him either.” muttered Dick before joining his baby brother.

Bruce just chuckled and made his way over to his son's with Diana behind him.

Truly, this was an amazing birthday.

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