Chapter 17

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  He filled in all the blank space,
  Mended the broken piece,
  Sealed them with unconditional love,
  Healed the bruised parts,never              letting up,
   He reached me in places I never knew existed.......opened my soul  up.

     The drive was airily quiet none of them said a word to each other, fareedah was tired of the way the aura was, the silence was eating her up, her mind was saying only one thing "talk!talk.

   "Hmm, if  you don't mind can we talk things over" she said twirling the ring on her finger

        Jamal pull the car over stopping it in the middle of nowhere, deep down he also want to know what she has to say, he want to know her own explanation of things.
     After some minutes of silence, fareedah sigh before saying
     "Am sorry*"

     Jamal was trying really hard to control is anger, will sorry repair all the damages, will it mend his broken heart, will it mask away the hurt, will it repair the relationship btw him & his dad, taking a deep breath, he said
    "Sorry for what"

"For everything, the pain, the hurt, the misconception, the rejection & every other things I've done to hurt you" she said her voice breaking,

      Jamal swallow the lump that form in is throat, he was trying to believe what she just say, she was sincere about it, but he can't just bring himself to trust her and be broken.

   "At first, am mad at whatever happen, I was so badly hurt,you changed me and kill my trust, I wanted to make you regret but I don't want to be like" he said looking deeper Into her eye before he continue
  "I came to a conclusion that may be  loving you was a mistake, trying to force you was the greatest mistake, the truth will always hurt me although it set me free"he concluded looking at her teary face.

    "It was never a mistake Jamal, you are hurting me with your word, its the most beautiful that ever happen to me,you do love me right" she ask in between a soap.

"Do you still love me" she ask her eye full of curiousity and hope not knowing what his answer might be.

   Jamal was confused with her question, he wanted to say no but decided to come out clean so that they can clear every misunderstanding.

   "I still love you, the love I have for you is a pure and a true love I love you with every fibre of my heart. this is what you wanted right, I was just a situation you have to compromise. May be it was meanth to be an unrequited love,letting you go seems to be the most hardest part, but it free my soul allowing me to know my worth."

    After knowing  his feeling has not change was enough for her heartbeat to beat a thousands time. No stopping back she was determine to spill out everything.

     "My life is not all bed of roses, marriage and love are very sensitive for me, I was afraid, scared of falling in love,scared of getting hurt. With all what I've gone through I made my self not to trust anybody except for my self.  I lived in self love, I learnt to love my self more than anybody ,thinking am the only one who has the right to make my self happy, I built a strong wall around my self, I make it a priority to be an independent who can overcome every obstacle., I couldn't let my self be vulnerable and exposed, I've seen my sister, does I cared for and those i love get hurt bcos of "love", and I don't want to make that mistake, I don't want to get hurt" most people seems to like me because of my appearance and money. she said, by now tears were already  clouding her face, Jamal look at her with pity thinking how can a person love his or her self without allowing her self to be loved by many.

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