Chapter 19

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 Happy Islamic New year!  Wishing you and your family a new year full of peace, happiness and abundance of all. May Allah bless you through out the year. May Allah shower his blessing on the Muslim Ummah.   Muharram Mubarak!

  Congratulation🎊🎆🎇 To  fareedah and Jamal, we've  reach 2k views.

  Thank you to all my readers for all the love you've shown the book😘😘😘.
    When I saw the views, I was like when did I start these book😂😂😂, I wouldn't have come these far without you guys❤❤❤❤, you all made my day💋💋.


        Fareedah was still staring at the helicopter that has a banner that says"will you marry me" cursively written on it".   She was already getting to tears from all the romantic words, she wonder what she did to deserve these man, she didn't think he will take it that serious.

    "Yes I will marry you" she said in an inaudible voice, she was surprise by the proposal,it feel so surreal.

    Sighing in relief, he slip the ring on her finger.

        She felt like the dumbest person on earth, she wonder what took her to reject the proposal that day. But Alhamdulillah, human plan but Allah plans and he is the best of planner and his plan always goes right when its the right time, here they are she accepting a ring from the same person.
   The same person she wanted to spend the rest of her life, laughter, cries, happiness  with.

    "Don't ever take this ring off mi alma" he said possessively while she just chuckle caressing the ring on her finger.

    Unfortunately, the unshed tears she has been holding spill out, he brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her.

     "I love you so much" he said
"I Love you more"She said giggling

"You shouldn't have gone over board you dont have to come to paris for these, I was only joking" she said.  Recalling the conversation they have 5 days back, she told him how a guy propose to a lady at the eiffell tower and how she find it romantic and wish she was the one,  not knowing he is going to do the same.

   "Am always serious with everything about you & I know thats what you want" he said giving her one of his beautiful smile.

  "You cheated" she said pouting, I knew I saw you at the hotel yesterday but you said you're not the one.

"All is fair in love and war baby, and you don't have to wish you're in another person place, your place is with me" he said pouting

   She found his pouting cute but roll her eye at what he said.

  They walk side by side to where the table was set, he pull a chair for her to seat, she sat down saying "thank you"& he sat on his.

    After eating amidst some chat, he decided to break the news for her.

  "Guess what" he said teasing her

"You know am bad at guessing, just spill it"

  "Congratulation baby, our wedding date has been fixed" he said and she almost choke on the drinks she was having

  "When! How! When is it... She said all giddy up she was just short of words.

   "Today and InshaAllah its in two month time" he said cheerfully.

   "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" she said getting teary.


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