The Truth Unveiled

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I stood outside the detention unit. My eyes could not leave the glass as I watched my long-lost best friend pace endlessly in the cell in the centre. I have to say that these past 24 hours have been the weirdest in my life. My mind was flooding with questions about what led the man inside to become the most wanted and dangerous criminal on Midgard. He was never like this; sure, he had his mischievous side (he was the god of it) but this was beyond any simple jokes and tricks. My heart longed to step inside and plead with him to tell me what happened, but the careful and watchful eyes of the shield guards stood by the entrance forbade me any access. I was tempted to use my magic to cast and illusion of myself into his cell, but I know that would not do me any favours with the director. He was already mad at me as it was.

A loud voice brought me out of my misery as I looked to my side to see Thor approaching where I was stood. He had obviously followed me when I walked out of the meeting. "Lady Drala." He boomed, although his usually loud voice held a hint of sadness in it as he too looked into the glass window to see his brother inside. "What happened Thor?" I asked sincerely. My eyes met his as all the sorrow fell from my face. "Where shall I begin?" I held back tears as I muttered. "The beginning."

"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny." Steve warned Tony. "No offence Doc." He apologised looking at Bruce who was carefully trying to carry on with his work despite Tony's attempts at making him Hulk out. "It's alright, I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things." He said nervously. "You're tip-toeing, big man. You need to strut." Steve clearly losing his rag sternly said, "And you need to focus on the problem, Mr Stark." Even being on his last nerve with the arrogant Tony, Steve never forgot his manners. "Do you think I'm not." Tony pointed out. "Why did Fury call us in? why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equations unless I have all the variables." From what Steve got from Tony blabbering about science he summed up "You think Fury's hiding something?" "He's a spy. Captain, He's 'the' spy. His secret have secrets. It's bugging him too, isn't it?." Tony said pointing to Bruce whilst casually eating blueberries. Bruce looked up from his work clearly not paying attention. "Uhm, I just want to finish my work here and..." Steve caught on the sheepish look Bruce had on his face. "Doctor?" he persisted. Giving In to the pressure, the scientist spoke, pulling off his glasses. "A warm light for all mankind." He said quoting what Loki had said to Fury only hours ago. "Loki's jab at about the cube." Steve confirmed. "I heard it." Bruce continued. "Well, I think that was meant for you." He pointed towards Tony. "Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower it was still all over the news." He said taking the blueberries that Tony offered him. "The Stark Tower?" Steve questioned "That big ugly..." he cut himself up with the offended look Tony gave him. "Building in New York?" he finished. "It's powered by an Arc reactor, a self-sustaining energy source. That building will run itself for what, a year?" Bruce inputted looking towards Tony for confirmation. "It's just a prototype." If his ego could get any bigger, this would be the moment it did. "I'm king of the only name in clean energy right now. That's what he's getting at." He bragged. "So why didn't shield bring him in on the tesseract project? What are they doing in the energy business in the first place?" Bruce said, stating the obvious. "I should probably look into that once my decryption program finishes breaking into all of shield's secure files." Tony looked into his little gadget he kept on him most of the time. "I'm sorry. Did you just say" Steve being the ever rule follower looked disgusted with Tony's incepting. "Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge. In a few hours, I'll know ever dirty secret shield has ever tried to hide. Blueberry?" he said offering Steve the fruit. "Yet your confused about why they didn't want you around." Steve jabbed. "An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence? Historically, not awesome." Tony pointed out especially knowing about Cap's previous experience with Hydra. "I think Loki's trying to wind us up. This is a man who means to start a war and if we don't stay focussed. He'll succeed. We have orders. We should follow them." The soldier said. "Following's not really my style." Tony interrupted. "And you're all about style. Aren't you?" Bruce butted in to stop the bickering that was ensuing between Cap and the Iron Man. "Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you."

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