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Being at college while also being one of the most important people in a secret paranormal society wasn't exactly easy, but Ad was getting used to it. Besides, it was easy to get used to when his girlfriend, who was also a badass witch, had gone to the same college. Penelope hadn't gone to college. She'd finished High School and done well enough, but she'd needed time after carrying the Darkest Call. And Ad had given it to her. In fact, all from their friend group had accepted Penelope's wish to be in as little contact with the Dark World as possible.

Not that much happened in it at the moment. Ad had spent the first year in the Order learning how they did things, and quickly after he excelled at it. While he enjoyed college, being the White Raven was his call. Even if it meant talking to other members in the order – including those who didn't like humans being part of the Dark World –, sending people on missions all over the world, and generally just making sure everything was in order.

As Ad turned from the empty document – meant to be an English assignment to be turned in tomorrow – and back to the page from a human group interested in sorcery, a shadow covered the sun. Without looking up he knew it was Hannah, standing with her arms crossed as she shook her head.

"You do realize you've had two weeks to do that paper right?" she said, sitting down next to Ad at the small table. He smiled at her, his heart giving a slight pang. Even after years of dating, her mere presence still made him feel weird all over, as he couldn't help himself but smiling.

"Yeah," he said closing the computer. "But what's English next to the Dark World?"

Hannah tilted her head slightly as she smiled. "Well for one," she said opening his computer, "What will shape your future, idiot."

Ad chuckled, as she turned the computer towards her, raising an eyebrow. "Wannabe witches? That's what you think we should be scared off?"

Ad shrugged. "Not really," he admitted. "But this one group, or coven as they call themselves, turn up quite a lot. Who knows, maybe they've gotten their hands on something from the Dark World?"

Hannah pointed her mouth slightly. "Tell you what," she said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll check it out, okay? Then you can focus on your English assignment?"

She stood up. Ad turned to her, "You're leaving? Already?" he asked pouting slightly. Hannah rolled her eyes as she laughed at him.

"I have a class," she said, "As you're well aware of."

Ad chuckled as Hannah leaned down to kiss him. When she pulled away, he smiled. "See you later," he said. Hannah waved, as she walked towards her next class.

Ad turned around to face his computer again, a smile on his face as he opened the document. He had written the impressive amount of one sentence when someone walked up to him.

"You know, Hannah, I can't really write that quickly..." he said turning around. But it wasn't Hannah behind him. Instead one of the janitors of the college handed him a blood red envelope. Ad's stomach turned slightly taking the envelope. Blood red could only mean one thing. It was from the Head of the Order. He thanked the janitor, but his hands already opening the envelope.

White Raven,

It is of my understanding that you know the Black Feather better than most of us. I am giving you an assignment now, that you can't give to others.

The Black Feather is missing, and I am asking you to find her.

Keep me updated,

Red Albatross

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