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As soon as I got up I took care of my hygiene. I threw my hair up into a big messy bun and through on a grey and black coco Chanel sweatsuit, my black Chanel bag, stud earrings, KDs, and my favorite scent by Chanel. I went downstairs and noticed everything I knocked down was cleaned up. the only person I know that cleaned this good was Emilia and she didn't work for us anymore. I guess when I was looking at how clean It was I didn't notice Morgan. "Where are you going?" She asked as if she even cared. I didn't even say anything I just walked out the door. I knew that I could just kill her with silence. I walked down the block and headed towards target. I went inside and bought some personal items and then I called Crayen. "come pick me up from target." i said. I can't believe my monthly started today. usually when this happened I just cried all day but I learned to just live with it. "I'm guessing you're calling to give me my reward for going into McDonald's play land the other night." He asked teasing. "not unless you like period blood." I said being bluntly honest no matter how nasty it was. "wow B.. that's nasty ass hell I don't wanna hear that shit." he said laughing. "well shit every woman go through it and if you have a daughter she will too." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm not having no daughter I don't know how to deal with that." he said clearly disgusted. "whatever, how fast can you get to target?" I asked. "thirty minutes." he said nonchalantly. "damn. why would it take you thirty minutes?" I asked confused. "uhm do you know what side of town you in? You like thirty minutes away." he said teasing. "ok never mind I'll just come to you loser." I said beginning my walk back to my house. "ok I'll see you when you get here the door will already be open for you." He said. "alright bye." I said before the line clicked. when I got back to my house I hopped in my car and headed towards Crayen's house. I hated being on my period especially around Crayen because it made me extra horny but what can I do? Nothing.

I pushed the house door open and he stood directly in front of me smiling. "Asia Carzwellllll" he said exaggerating my last name while smirking and looking kinda creepy. i just smiled extra hard and ran into his open arms as he kissed my forehead. "I missed you." I said holding on tight. "you just seen me yesterday." he said pushing me away from him lightly while still holding on to my waist. "yeah yesterday. to long." I said rolling my eyes. "C.j!" I heard a soft deep voice call out. "in here nigga." Crayen said super country. "Aye bro-" he said cutting his self off. "this you?" He said pointing at me while looking me all over and licking his lips. "yeah nigga. care your fruity loop ass on." Crayen said playfully punching him in the arm and laughing. "Asia this is Travis, my little brother and Travis this is Asia." Crayen said introducing us. I smiled and stared at them both. Travis looked just like Crayen the only difference was his hazel eyes and smaller lips. Travis was about 5'7 in height and only in the 8th grade. "so what's up? What y'all on?" Travis said flashing his braces. "I don't know.. what's up?" I said laughing. "who wants to get they ass whooped in 2k?" He said scanning the room. "you ain't gone whoop nobody ass!" Crayen said racing up the stairs as Travis followed behind him. "boys.." I thought out loud to myself. I went into the kitchen, grabbed snacks, and headed up the stairs. when I got up there I immediately made myself at home. I kicked my shoes off, tied my hair up into a ponytail, and propped myself up on pillows. "imma be the heat." Travis thought out loud to himself. both of them sat on office chairs in front of me holding Xbox controllers in their hands. they looked even more like twins so I had to get a pick for Instagram that I captioned:
"the boys💕👌"

I decided I wanted to play last minute and I was determined to do so. "I wanna play!" I said grabbing the third controller. "uhn..uhn Carzwell. that's not going to happen. leave it for the grown men." Crayen said jokingly. "Yea this grown man business so don't worry your pretty little head." Travis said keeping his focus on the screen as the first quarter started. "yall are petty as hell." I said rolling my eyes. "love you too." they said in unison. "well anyways I'm about to call Keisha up and ask her to come if that's ok with you?" I stated and asked at the same time. "yea ok. tell her to bring my bro." he said. I stepped out of the room and dialed Keisha's number. I waited for her to pick up until finally I heard her voice. "hey girl." she said clearly in a descent mood. "you trying to come slide by Crayen's crib?" I asked. "who the hell is that?" She asked genuinely confused. "oops my bad, I meant c.j." I said remembering nobody really knows his government name. "hell yea that's my nigga." she said sounding like one of the guys. "yea and bring Brandon." I said. "I got you. give me like a quick thirty minutes and I should be there." she said confirming. "aight cool." I said before we both clicked the line. I slid back into the room and they were already in the middle of the third quarter. "how long was I on the phone for?" I asked. "time goes by like that baby girl." Travis said reminding me of Crayen. "watch them baby girls you calling her before I bust a cap in yo ass." Crayen said as we all laughed in unison. "Imma be right back, again." I said grabbing my personal items and running to the bathroom. once I took care of that I got sidetracked and decided to take a tour of the house. I walked through the hallways and there was no pictures in site. the kitchen and rooms were nice. the only thing I had yet to tour was Crayen's room. I knew I shouldn't have been snooping but I couldn't help myself. I pushed the door opened as the sun rays from the window lit up his dark room. I was looking through his closet trying to find a shirt that I would ask to borrow just to have his scent lingering on me when he's not around. a black box fell from the top of the closet and I couldn't help but open it up. when I took the lid off there was about 3 pistols, weed, and one hundred grand banded up in the box. I shook my head and stuffed the box back in there neatly, I knew that there was more were that came from and I was done snooping because every time I found something it would make me feel a way and also make me fear for his safety. I grabbed the dark green and black oversized flannel and just as I was about to exit Crayen walked in. i turned around so fast my neck could have fell off. "you trying to take my clothes now?" He smirked. I was just happy he didn't walk in on me opening his box. "I sure am." I said walking up to him and latching on to his body as I breathed in his cologne. he kissed my neck and held my ass. "enough. with yall nasty asses." Travis scoffed. "boy this grown people business." Crayen said laughing. just then we heard a couple of knocks. i watched as Crayen and Travis exchanged words silently. we walked to the door but Travis ran up the stairs. Crayen waited a minute before he opened the door so that Travis could give him some type of signal. "we cool it's just them. I checked our entire area." Travis said assuring Crayen. Crayen opened the door with his gun tucked in his waist band. "what's up nigga?" Brandon said as he gave Crayen and Travis dap. Me and Keisha both rolled our eyes and then started laughing because of how ironic it was. Once everybody settled in we watched some stupid scary movie that I barely paid attention to. I was to busy cuddling with Crayen to care. I decided it was time for me to get home because of school so crayen kissed me and then walked me out to my car.

When I got back home of course dumb ugly ass stupid bitch ass Morgan was waiting at the door. "hey Asia." she said with this dumb ass smirk on her face. the bitch was really testing me. "are you ready to show me around school tomorrow?" She said swiftly as she got up off of our island bar stool. "bitch stop talking to me like we're friends. you know I don't fuck with you so stop talking to me. I'm sure your bum ass could figure it out." I said dismissing her. I jogged up the stairs to my room and locked the door. I got in the shower, washed my face, brushed my teeth, put my hair into a wet top knot, and then through on my pajamas. my phone started ringing as I watched the caller ID pop up with Keisha's name on it. "what's up bitch." I said into the phone. "nothing I was just calling to see if your cousin was still coming." Keisha said. "please don't even get me started. that lil hoe is still coming and she delusional as fuck if she really think that she about to be hanging out with me." I said rolling my eyes. "she might not even be as bad as you make her seem." she said. "fuck her but I guess you'll find out the hard way." i said getting even more irritated. "we'll see. she might be a cool as chick you just never get along with anybody." she said pissing me off for the last time. "bye bitch" I said hanging up before she could even snap back at me. everybody was starting to piss me off something crucial. I clicked my lights out and went to sleep. I was not looking forward to that trifling bald headed ass bitch to go to school with me and I don't care how mean it sounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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