Welcome, Not Welcome

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It was Monday and my alarm clock sounded off waking me up out of a deep sleep. I scratched my head and went to the bathroom to take care of my hygiene. I came out and put moisturizer in my hair and decided to just wear it down in my natural curly hair pattern which I never really did before. I did a few swipes of mascara & put a nude lipgloss on. I grabbed some dark denim jeans, a white true religion shirt with red writing, and put on my black, red, and white Jordan spizikes. I wore all gold jewelry and decided to wear a black Gucci backpack. I practically hopped down the stairs and made breakfast for my self while everyone was asleep. today was going to be a long day and messy ass Morgan was going to be home before I got back so I made sure anything that was mines, was locked in my room. after I was done eating I surfed my social media and then hopped in my car. I got to school and first period started. the teacher had moved Keisha to the front because she said we talked to much so I was in the back looking lonely but I didn't care at all. just then crayen walked in reminding me that he sat right next to me. he jogged to the back and I studied him. he wore a crisp white shirt, some light denim jeans, some crisp white air forces, and his diamond earrings. he smelled good to. he sat down and I continued to look straight and draw on my notebook. he looked at me but I just kept looking straight. "good morning class, I'm just going to quickly take attendance so we can go over homework. just say here when I call your names." she said looking at her clip board while she marked people off. soon she got to me. "Asia?" She said scanning her classroom for me. "here." I said snapping out of it. "oh hey, I just got wind that your cousin...um what's her name..? ... Um...Morgan! Is coming. it'll be nice to have a new addition to our class." she said smiling. "nah I'd like for you not to call her my cousin. I don't want nothing to do with her." I said bluntly. "okay then.." she said in a confusing tone & then she continued on with attendance. Crayen looked at me and this time I glared at him before returning my eyes back to my notebook. "you must not like her." he said trying to make small talk. "yea, something like that." I said with my eyes still on my paper. "yo wassup with this? So we just gone ignore each other and pretend to be invisible?" He said slightly irritated. "it's really whatever C.j, you ignored me for days and then you disrespected me on the phone so I don't know what it is that you want me to say.." I said coldly. "wow Asia. now you calling me C.j and brushing me off? What is this? You trying to stick to your pride? And I tried to make things right on the phone but you just went off on me for no fucking reason! I didn't call for two days because I had a lot on my plate but now I'm trying to be here." he said disrupting class. "you should've BEEN here C.j!" I said. "mrs. Carzwell and mr. Hayes! Take your conversation to the hall and come back when your done disrupting class." mrs. G said while pushing the classroom door open. we both grabbed our stuff and moved to the table by the door in the hallway as she shut the door behind us. I sat there silent watching kids walk by every now and then while Crayen fidgeted with his phone here and there. "Why'd you do it?" I said. "was it because I ruined the moment back at your house? Or because you're not that into me..or what Crayen." I said looking the other way. "it wasn't none of that.. I could care less that you didn't want to fuck that's fine. if you're not ready you're not ready... Do you really think I'm that type of person? He said looking at me. "I don't know what I think about you honestly." I said looking him in his eyes. "that really kind of hurt Asia." He said returning the look. "... Crayen?" I said in almost a whisper. "yeah." he said roaming the hall with his eyes. "what are we fighting for?" I said looking at him. "I don't really know myself." he said looking deep into my eyes. "well then let's just stop." I said staring at him. "ok." he said as his lips touched mines.

The rest of the school day was a blur, a much unnecessary blur. things with me and Crayen were slowly falling back into place, meanwhile back at home everything was out of place. I got home and went inside & the first thing I noticed was Morgan. even the smell of her cheap perfume made me sick. "hey Asia." she said cracking a half ass smile. I just kept walking up the stairs. "Asia aren't you going to show me to the guest room." she yelled up the stairs. "really..? You know where the fucking room is, this is not your first visit and you should know the house very well since we always seem to be missing something valuable when you leave. find it your fucking self and you can put your own sheets on the bed when you get up there. you don't look fucking crippled to me." I said as I continued up the stairs to my room. She just stood there looking dumbfounded but that look suited her dumb looking ass anyways.

I got to my room and immediately texted Crayen.
(Inbox) Baby Boy💘🙌

Baby boy💘🙌: Yes😂?

Come and get me
Like..right now.👊🔫💣💉🔪

Baby Boy💘🙌: Ctfu I'm omw.😂❤️

I was so grateful for him at this moment. I wasn't trying to go to jail for murder tonight. it was a good thirty minutes before Crayen honked the horn indicating that he was here. "Asia where you going?" Morgan practically jumped off the couch to ask. "none of your damn business. don't you have something to steal?" I asked brushing her off. "you don't have to be so damn rude all the time, everybody makes mistakes." she said folding her arms and giving me attitude. she was so much like her mother. chocolate complexion, average height, no curves, big boobs, a nice face, and funny but she had lost all respect from me. even though we were the same age I always felt like I was more mature. "stealing is not a mistake you dumb ass girl, now move along." I said opening the door and walking out. she just stood there with her arms folded and then shut the door with force. I got in the passenger seat and closed the door. "Whose house?" He said eyeing the house down. I completely forgot that I didn't want him to know about it. "no this is my aunts & uncles house. I didn't want to go home to my annoying parents." I said lying through my teeth. "they sure Is living nice..." he said. "yea I been staying with them for a minute while things cool down at home, I can't really get used to it though." I said lying again. "it still must be nice to escape sometimes." he said. "you have no idea." I said as he pulled off. "so what happened that made you want to leave." he asked with his eyes on the road. I was so happy he was changing the subject. I know it wasn't that serious and I should just come clean, but if I did I would have to tell all my friends I lied to, and him that I'm really "spoiled rich" and I wasn't ready to be treated differently just yet. "My annoying, thieving, stupid ass cousin Morgan. she's pissing me off already, and she's coming to our school." I said rolling my eyes at the thought of it. "don't be so tough on her." he said. "you don't want your last words to someone to be something you regret." he said glancing at me but returning his eyes back to the road. "yeah I guess." I said as his words played back in my mind.

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