Chapter 5

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(Mel's POV)

I look down at my flat stomach and place a hand on top of it. Sighing, I grab my phone and dial Lauren.

"Hello, Mel!" Lauren shouts. "What's going on your world? I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Hey Lauren, can you come over?" I ask, crossing my fingers.

"Sure, girl! I'll be there in ten," she says before hanging up. Ten agonizing minutes later, Lauren walks up to my room.

She sees my sorrowful expression and immediately asks, "What's wrong, baby cakes?"

I pat the open seat next to me on the bed and she sits down. "You know that guy I ditched you guys for?" I ask nervously.

"Don't remind me," She scoffs.

"Lauren, this is serious! I... I think I might be pregnant with his baby!" I scream, tears falling from my eyes. She pulls me into a hug and brushes my hair with her soft fingers.

"It's alright, babe. We will get a test tomorrow, okay?" She whispers.

I nod and quietly cry myself into a dreamless sleep, snuggled in her arms.

I wake up some time later and see the sun is back up again. Tomorrow had come early. "Lauren, wake up," I whisper, nudging her.

"Morning," She slurs, pushing herself into a sitting position. "Are you ready?"

I nod eagerly, getting out of bed and running to the shower. After a short wash, I walk out of my bathroom and find Lauren dressed in sweats, a band-tee and sloppy ponytail. I grab sweats, a v-neck and return to the bathroom. I quickly dress and throw my long hair into a pony tail. I slip on some Uggs and we head to Laurens car. We drive to the nearest drug store and park.

"I'll be right back," I smile, getting out of the car. I walk into the store and walk straight to the pregnancy tests. One gives fastest readings, another gives more accurate readings... And I find myself lost. I Grab 5 different brands and walk to the counter.

"Hope you found every thing all right," a prissy blond says, looking down at the tests and giving a passive-aggressive smile. She scans them and puts them in a bag handing it to me.

I nod gratefully and smile, handing her a twenty dollar bill. As I leave, I could swear I heard her scoff "Slut." Shaking it off, I returned to the car.

"Hot damn, girl!" Lauren shouts. "How many babies do you think you're having?!"

I couldn't help but laugh with her then. I was so glad I had called her; I needed someone to relieve the tension.

We arrive back at my house and hurry to my room before my mom could ask any questions.

"Here goes nothing," I sigh, walking into the bathroom. I selected one stick from each box and, after performing the test, set them on the counter and paced.

What am I going to do if its positive; I cant raise a baby. Can I? I Wont abort it, and I definitely won't give up my own child. God, why didn't we use protection? What about Daniel; will he just leave me to deal with it alone? God, why me? I can't believe this is happening, I think before looking at my watch.
It's time.

I pick up the first test, and see there is a pink line, meaning pregnant. Scared, I shakily pick up another. Pregnant is written across the screen. I pick up the last three: double lines, single pink line, and cross. All read pregnant.

"Lauren," I cry, sinking to the floor. She rushes in the door and hugs me.

"I'm sorry, Mel," she whispers, brushing the hair in my face.

"What am I going to do?" I cry.

"Call him," she says, getting up and grabbing my phone. I nod hesitantly and dial his number.

"Hello?" A familiar voice says.

"Hello, Daniel," I whisper, trying to hide the sadness in my voice, but failing miserably.

"Oh my god, is this Mel?!" He says excitedly.

"Can you meet me somewhere?" I ask.

"Yeah, when and where?"

I can hear the smile in his voice and I feel worse. "Starbucks, twenty minutes," I say.

"Sure, until then," he says, hanging up.

I ask Lauren to drive me since I was not feeling well and needed some form of emotional support. That car ride was the single longest ride I had ever experienced in my life. When we finally arrive, I am greeted by the familiar scent of ground coffee beans. I look around and spot Daniel with his perfect smile, sitting at a booth by himself and stirring a coffee.

"Hey," I say timidly, taking the seat across from him.

"Hey," he says, smiling from ear to ear. He passes me a small coffee with a few sugar packets and cream cups.

"I have something very important to tell you," I say, sweetening the coffee to taste.

"What is it?" He looks at me and smiles. For a brief second, I wonder if telling him is really the best idea. I was lucky enough that he remembered me.

"I'm pregnant," I whisper, unable to face his reaction. "I don't know what to do."

He stands up, and I get scared that he is going to leave. He instead walks over to me and pulls me up by my hand. I look at him, visibly confused, as he gets down on one knee, wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses my stomach. He looks up at me and says "Keep it. If not for yourself, if not for its life, then for me. If you carry it out, I will take this baby if you don't want it. You will never have to see it, and you will never have to take care of it. I will take it if you don't want to. But please, Mel... I love you. And I need this child to live. I need a part of you in this world, with me forever," he whispers, tears flowing down his perfect face.

"I don't want to get rid of it, and I don't want to give it to you and never see it again," I tell him, pulling him up to his feet. I see his face fall into an expression of pain and sorrow. "But," I continue. "I do want to share this baby with you. Stay with me, then," I smile, tears flowing down my face. "Stay with me and we will have this baby together."

"Oh, Mel," he smiles, wiping my tears away. "That is all I ever wanted." He embraces me tightly and showers me in a flurry of sweet and tender kisses.

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