Chapter 3 - Sand

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I looked out at the water from the driver's seat. The waves were crashing on the shore ahead, pulling me into a trance. This was my first time back at the beach since what happened. The fear had returned. It was poisoning me from the inside, spreading further through me like a virus with each beat of my heart. I felt it reach the nerves in my arms, palms, and chest.

I shook my head abruptly, wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans and opening the door. I had to be there for her today. No backing out, no excuses. The crisp ocean air blew against my face as if warning me, pushing me away.

It was hot. There were plenty of people tanning in the sun and splashing around in the water. A few kids would get as close as they could to a wave as it grew, before trying to outrun it while it'd chase after their shrieking bodies. I felt a tinge of jealousy enter my already overloaded mind. I used to be like that.

I locked the car and made my way to the sand. It burned the bottom of my feet, but it was a welcome distraction as I fiddled with the sleeves of my shirt, nervously pulling them over my palms. I was definitely the most overdressed person on the beach.

I spotted my dad and Emily down the shore a ways and started walking towards them, trying to tune out the threatening sound of waves crashing and children screaming. Emily squealed with excitement when she saw me and ran over, stumbling in the sand before picking herself up and continuing.

"You came!" She yelled happily, wrapping her arms around my stomach. I winced a bit but hugged her back with a smile, her joy was priceless.

"Em, be careful," my dad said, catching up to her, his eyebrows knitted together in a frown. He was holding my first surfboard under his arm. Emily quickly let go of me and apologized, but I waved it off and my smile grew.

"Are you excited? You look great," I said, noticing she was also wearing my first wetsuit. It seemed a bit baggy on her. She gave me a squeaky laugh and jumped up and down, grabbing my arm.

"Yes! You'll watch me?" I nodded, messing up her hair which made her pout.

"Of course, I'll be right here," I said, pointing to the ground. She laughed and I grabbed her shoulders, lowering myself to her height. "You know to dive under the waves, right?" She nodded, looking at me with her big blue eyes. "And don't be afraid to tell dad if you want to stop okay? And... stay close."

"We won't go out too far Oli, promise."

I watched my dad give her my old surfboard which she struggled to hold with both hands before walking out with her to the water. They slowly waded in and I sat down, which did nothing to calm my nerves. My fists were clenched and I felt my heartbeat get faster as they got deeper and deeper... I took a few deep breaths and my arms crossed over my stomach subconsciously.

I saw a wave nearing them and held my breath as my dad dove under, followed by Emily. A few seconds passed and I saw them pop up behind it after it crashed. I felt myself exhale shakily. I didn't know how I'd be able to watch this.

They got a bit smaller and my nerves were getting to me. I started biting my nails and looked away, hoping my dad would keep her safe. I stared at the sand for a minute and grabbed a handful, letting it slowly fall through my fingers.

It went on like that for a while. I'd lose sight of them, panic for a few seconds, then they'd reappear behind the waves. I saw my dad help her up onto the surfboard and she lay down on her stomach, starting to paddle. I tensed, seeing her start to catch the next wave, it was a big one... too big. She tried popping up, but wobbled and fell off the board, the wave crashing over her. I held my breath and counted.

One... Two... Three...

She hadn't resurfaced and I only saw my dad, his head turning casually while he waited for her. My nails were digging into my palms.

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