Chapter 4 - Pacific Wave

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"Oli wake up! You told me we'd go to the surf store today!"

I bleakly opened my eyes to see Emily jumping up and down next to my bed enthusiastically.

"What time is it?" I mumbled into my pillow. I'd stayed up late the night before, trying to force my intruding thoughts away. This was too early.

"It's eight!"

I groaned.

"Em, the store doesn't open until ten, go watch cartoons and wake me up then okay?" She sighed and left the room, gently closing the door behind her.


It felt as if all I had done was blink, because Emily was back soon and I felt no more rested than I'd been earlier.

Usually, I'd be the first one up and energetic in the house. But last night I'd stayed up late doing my homework for the rest of the week. It worked to keep my mind off of what Kieran and I had talked about, but today was a new day, and now I had to face him.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I went downstairs to find Emily watching Disney Channel on the new TV my mom had bought. I looked out the front window to our driveway and saw only my car. My parents were out.

"Em, did you eat breakfast?" She turned from her show and shook her head.

"No, mom said she was gonna go buy eggs."

"When'd she leave?"

"When I woke you up the first time." I frowned, and grabbed my phone.

"That was two hours ago." Emily said nothing but gave me a shrug.

I called my mom, slightly irritated at her lack of communication.

"Hey Oli, everything okay?" She asked, sounding cheerful on the other line.

"Yeah, Emily said you went to get eggs two hours ago? Where are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, I got caught up with an old friend! I'll be back home soon, there should be cereal she can eat." My irritation grew as I opened the fridge.

"No, we're out of milk too. I'll just take her out for food mom."

"You don't have to do that Oli, I'll head home soon—"

"It's fine mom." I said, hanging up before she could say anything else. Maybe it was the medication, but I could feel my temper growing shorter by the day. I quickly shook it off and turned to my sister, putting a smile on my face.

"You wanna go to Zachary's?" Her eyes widened and she jumped to her feet faster than I'd be able to pop up on a board.


I grabbed the remote from next to her and turned off the TV.

"I'll race you to the car."

As soon as the words left my mouth she leapt over the couch, screaming as I chased her. She grabbed her shoes from the hallway and flung the door against me, before jumping onto the hood of my car.

"I win!" She yelled, laughing at me as I pushed the door away and grabbed my shoes from the ground.

"You cheated." I said, pointing to the door before locking up the house.


Zachary's was a restaurant downtown that served breakfast and lunch. It was Emily's favorite, she'd always order both the pancakes and waffles, making sure to ask for extra whipped cream and strawberries. Our family would usually only go on birthdays or special occasions.

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