Chapter 5. Tyler here to stay

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Just before bedtime Jody, Scott, May-Li and Tyler had a chat in the office about where Tyler would sleep and Jody asked if he could sleep in her room but Scott and May-Li had said no.

She said "Why can't he sleep in my room?" and May-Li and Scott laughed "You don't seriously think that Tyler would be allowed to bunk in with you? I mean, what about the rules" May-Li exclaimed.

"But Tyler's not a resident anymore! This is not fair!" Jody shouted, looking startled. May-Li and Scott sat down on their office chairs and said: "Jody, we know that you're sad about this, but you have to understand."

Jody was still fuming with anger and she shouted: "Understand what?" Tyler looked at her and said "Jodes..."

May-Li looked at Jody and she continued "You have to understand that because of yours and Tyler's relationship, we still have to apply things, like before, because you're still a resident."

Jody had nothing to argue against this and so Scott said: "So, I and May-Li have agreed that Tyler will be bunking in with Sid." Jody looked like she was going to explode!

"Sid?! Tyler bunk in with Sid?!" shouted Jody, her whole face full of anger. "Jody, stop. You're pushing our relationship too far. It's just where I sleep, we'll still be able to hang out in the day!" Tyler shouted at her.

May-Li looked down to the floor and Tyler and Jody looked confused "Guys, you won't be able to hang out in the day, as you think." said May-Li, looking like she regretted every word.

Now Jody and Tyler were angry. "What?! May-Li, the rules before were pushing it too far and that was only for one day! Now you're going to make us go through the painful experience again?" shouted Tyler, as angry as Jody now.

"We don't have to listen to this! Just like we didn't have to last time! C'mon Jodes." Tyler opened the door to walk out of the office, just then Jody said: "Tyler, wait, May-Li needs to say something."

Tyler walked back in, grudgingly and May-Li said: "There's a way, you two would be allowed to bunk in together, but it would require some big changes for Jody and for you Tyler."

"Ok, we're listening," said Tyler and May-Li said "Guys, are you sure? This is a major thing, especially for kids your age, 16!" Jody and Tyler nodded and Jody said: "Of course we're sure, we just want to be together."

May-Li nodded and looked at Scott and said: "You guys would have to get married." Jody and Tyler looked startled, at the same time and both said: "Married?!"


"I told you guys this was a major thing!" exclaimed May-Li and Tyler said "We're not going to get married at 16! Are we Jodes?" Jody said strongly "No." Tyler was sure that Jody wasn't actually thinking about it because she had said it so strongly.

May-Li said "Well. Then I'm sorry Jody, but Tyler can't sleep with you. Tyler, is it ok if you sleep with Sid?" Tyler didn't have time to argue so he just said ok.

Jody just gave up on Tyler, this was just going to be how things were when Tyler was at The DG.

Sid always looked up to Tyler, so he was very happy to be sleeping with him, but Tyler was not. As he walked into Sid's room, he remembered, that Sid had been the reason they had been found out.

If they had kept it a secret, it would be ok for him to sleep with Jody, to be with Jody, to kiss Jody. Now he hated the idea of sleeping with Sid.

It was going to have to be like it had been when they had been keeping it a secret, into the attic to see each other. How Jody and Tyler wished that they could just be normal kids allowed to be together!

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