Chapter 4. The Prom recreation

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Tyler and Jody obeyed. They walked up the stairs, hand in hand, going to Jody's bedroom.

"Guys, you have broken so many rules!" exclaimed May-Li, while she was standing up, watching Jody and Tyler, still holding hands, on the bed.

"First, you need to sign lots of forms to allow Tyler to come here, secondly, your mums need to know-" May-Li started but Tyler interrupted "My mum knew!"

May-Li looked stern and said "But Jody's mum didn't! Thirdly, even though Tyler is not a resident anymore, there are still rules about you and Jody. Fourthly, you can't let someone into the building, without informing me. Lastly, you should've thought this through more!"

Jody took one look at Tyler and then after that she said: "I had no idea, May-Li." May-Li had heard this excuse before and said: "But, you're still happy he came, aren't you?"

Jody said, "Well, of course, I am, I mean Tyler's my, Tyler's, my- Tyler's my boyfriend." May-Li and Scott exchanged looks and Scott said "Exactly, and that means this includes you too."

There was silence for a few seconds and then Scott said: "I'm sorry Tyler, you have to go back to St Lucia." Jody stood up from the bed and looked startled.

"What?!" she shouted, "He came all this way, I mean, can't he stay?" May-Li looked comfortably at Jody and said: "There'd be rules for you two like there was before, and we'd need to inform your mum, sign lots of paperwork and do some other things."

Tyler and Jody looked at each other and tightened the grip of their hands, Tyler said: "We're prepared to do that, aren't we Jodes?" Jody had just calmed down but still looked a little bit uncertain but nodded.

"Can- can, we-" Jody said, but May-Li interrupted "Yes, I guess you can go to Prom." Jody and Tyler smiled, walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs.

Before they entered the Prom that the kids had set up, they looked at each other in the eye, Jay wolf-whistled, but then they hugged and he looked disappointed.

They danced around for a bit and Tyler said: "At least I didn't go to this Prom with the wrong girl" and laughed, although Jody did not look amused.

"Just stop bringing up, Piper!" she half-shouted, half said at him. Tyler looked at her and just looked down, sad and turned around.

Jody had obviously not meant it to upset him so she said, in a calm, comforting way, "Tyler," Tyler turned back around and said, "Wait- if we're recreating Prom then aren't me and you going to, well-"

"Kiss, yeah" exclaimed Jody, in the coolest way ever, she seemed so chilled, like it didn't matter. "Oh c'mon, just kiss me you idiot"

Tyler did had a little laugh and got closer to Jody and, perfectly with warning this time, kissed her.

It turned into a snog! They had never snogged before and when they both broke apart they turned around for a second and took a quiet giggle.

May-Li and Scott had known that this wasn't allowed, but they didn't want to ruin it for them, so after the Prom, they asked Jody and Tyler to come in for a quiet chat.

Jody said "I know we're not supposed to kiss in front of the kids" and May-Li said, "It's alright, just don't do it too often, or you might start giving them ideas!"

They all laughed and it had been another crazy day in the Dumping Ground!

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