Chapter 6. Bridesmaids and Weddings

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WARNING: This is a very long chapter so BEWARE.

Tyler and Jody stood there for a moment, but Tyler broke the silence "Oh my gosh, what just happened?" Jody had changed a lot, she was casual, not worried as she answered, "Basically, I proposed to you and you love me so much and you said yes?"

Tyler laughed a little bit as they walked out of the dusty attic, with the cobwebs and spiders, the murky brown walls, remembering the time Jody had 'locked' him in, it seemed ages ago.

Then, they had just started, now, they were getting married! Tyler usually felt some regret in stuff, but he had no regret for this.

It was the right thing, and Jody knew it too.

"I don't know if we should tell the kids yet," said Tyler. "They might keep going, on and on and on."

Jody looked at him and said, "Yeah, but you can't blame them, they're only kids." Jody looked away and continued walking to the door.

Tyler looked at her and said, "We're only kids!" Jody was worried, was Tyler popping that bubble so all the regret could flood out. She didn't know if she should do it if he wasn't sure.

"I guess," Jody said, ending the conversation. They were going down the red and orange patterned attic stairs now.

It only seemed yesterday that they had come in here and Tyler had told her that he might be going to St Lucia.

"Jo-" Tyler started, but he forgot what he was going to say and just focused on Jody's eyes.

"What?" Jody said looking worried and confused. "Noth- why are we doing this?" replied Tyler.

Jody looked horror-struck. Her worst nightmare, Tyler's regret. She didn't want a part in this conversation anymore, she ran off to her bedroom, sobbing.

Floss was calling Jody from downstairs and thought this would be a good distraction for herself, so she went downstairs.

All of the DG was in the living room, except Jay, Sid and Nazeer. "What, Floss- or all of this Dump." Shouted Jody, she was just so angry. May-Li had heard so she came out and said "Jody! Don't speak to your friends like that."

Jody turned around and looked at her raising her eyebrows "My friends?! May-Li you got something wrong, these people don't even do anything for me, they haven't even noticed what's going on with me and Tyler."

Everyone wolf-whistled and Jody had had enough. She trashed the living room.

She was even so mad to say something that after she had said it she felt regret. "Me and Tyler are just friends!"

Everyone fell silent. Jody said "I didn't mean-" but she got interrupted when Tyler came down the stairs. "Jody, we're just friends?


Jody spent a lot of time nowadays in her bedroom, sobbing. What had she said? Just friends? What was Tyler going to think of her?

They were going to get married and she had said they were just friends! She really needed to relax around Tyler.

No, she still wasn't really into all that mushy lovey stuff, but she still liked Tyler, didn't she, no not liked, loved.

His bushy curly hair and her sleek, straight hair seemed like opposites, but yet a perfect match.

She liked having someone around her that didn't know where their dad was, someone that their mum couldn't look after. She felt secure with him.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. She shouted, "Go away." The door opened and out came someone with chocolate brown eyes, a slick body, and curly brown hair. One word, Tyler.

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