¡Ya Valio Madre!

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The day was pretty uneventful- until Florida's alligator got out. Sunshine had slithered out of the Menagerie and into the pool. Florida cried out in joy to see his beloved pet, but the others ran, screaming and scrambled out of the pool as fast as statehumanly possible. In all the confusion, the alligator had wandered off somewhere in the woods. America was now left with a distraught Florida, pushing past oak branches and following a distinct alligator trail.
"Eagle Eight, this is Eagle One, over." America grumbled into his walkie talkie. He was trudging through the forest that surrounded his property, Florida stumbling beside him.
"Sunshine!" Florida hollered. "Sunshine where are you?!"
America pushed past some pine branches. His walkie crackled.
"This is Eagle Eight. Any sight of the gator? Over."
"Negative Eagle Eight. We might have to cut the search short. Over."
Florida deflated next to him.
A slight pause from the other side of the line. "Ok Eagle One. I'll spread the word."
America clipped the walkie on the back of his belt. "Sorry Flor."
"I know, I know." Florida looked down at the ground, his eyes watering. "We should probably get back."
"We?" America said. "We are staying out to find Sunshine."
Florida looked up, not bothering to hide the large toothy smile on his face.
  They continued their trudge through the forest, the sky darkening as they went. America and Florida turned on their phones' flashlights, the beans of light bouncing along the trail.
Soon they reached the property gate, a small chain-link fence that separated America's property and Mexico's. America ran his phone's flashlight across the fence, looking for any signs of damage. Sure enough, there was a roundish hole underneath the fence.
America growled. "Stupid gator."
"What do we do now?" Florida had crouched down next to the hole.
America sighed and dialed a certain number on his phone.
"Mm?" Mexico's voice crackled over the poor reception.
Oye Mexico!"
He heard a huff on the other side of the line. "Qué onda, amigo?"
America swallowed. "Well, we sorta have a problem..."

Mexico stumbled over a loose stone, furiously muttering something in Spanish. "What's so important about this alligator. "
"Sunshine's a pet." America said, focusing the beam of his flashlight on the trail left by the alligator. "But like a really special pet. Like Libertad."
Mexico's face softened. "Ah."
They were still in the forest, but a shadow of twilight had fallen over the trees. Birds were singing their last song of the day, and crickets had begun to chirp.
Florida jogged up ahead. "Hey! Down there!"
America and Mexico joined Florida at the base of a steep hill. They looked down and saw Sunshine happily snoozing in a pile of daffodils.
Mexico exhaled out of his nose. "Sunshine has to choose this hill to sleep at the bottom of?"
But Florida was grinning like a mad man. "YAHOO!" He jumped and rolled down the hill, tumbling next to his scaley friend.
"You are looking better," Mexico observed, giving him a sideways glance. "Since the last time I saw you. You look more... Alive."
"You wouldn't believe what happened yesterday."
"Try me."
So America told him. Mexico's eyes widened as America got deeper into the story. He told a revised version, leaving the bit out about the cracks out and summarizing the main points: Dixie was alive, he isn't some wacko racist neo-nazi, and he (America) had been feeling better about everything as well.
"... so that's about it." He finished, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ay mios." Mexico mumbled. "He was in your head with you? All that time?"
America nodded.
Mexico snorted. "Two entities sharing the same body. Sounds like a sitcom estúpido."
"Or one of your cheesy soap operas."
Mexico gave America a playful punch in the arm as Florida carried Sunshine back up the hill.
"Are you gonna tell the other countries about Dixie?"
"Probably should." America sighed. "Just can't wait for the big UN speech about how I should'a told him."
"Buena suerte hermano." Mexico snickered.
America ignored that last comment and said, "Ready to head home Flor?"
Florida grinned, setting his pet gator on the ground. "Yep!"
Sunshine snapped at Mexico's heels and he let out a yelp.
"Awwww!" Florida swooned. "I think he likes you!"

By the time America and Florida put Sunshine back into his enclosure in the Menagerie, it was dark. The sky was clear, so the stars shown bright against the black blanket of the night. Toads croaked, crickets chirped, and owls hooted. America had to grab Flordia by his shirt scruff to keep him from running through a pack of fireflies, who are lazily drifting around.
America pushed open the back door and was immediately greeted with the pleasant warmth of baking bread and his States' chatter.
Florida swept into the other room, instantly announcing that Sunshine was ok and that he was safely back in his enclosure. America took his time, hanging up his coat and plugging in his phone. He eventually wandered into the dining hall, where he received his usual greeting.
"Howdy Pop."
America couldn't keep the smile off his face as he took his place at the head of the table. "Hey kids! What's for dinner?"
"Dixie's trin' to make spaghetti." New York snickered.
"Yah, but he burnt the noodles." Hawaii cut in.
"How do you burn spaghetti noodles?" Florida wondered aloud.
"Spaghetti's ready!" Dixie's gruff voice hollered from the kitchen.
Everyone got up in a hurry to get food. They piling slightly overcooked noodles and tangy, steamy, spaghetti sauce up onto their plates. Dixie had to smack Texas' hand away to keep him from getting a fifth breadstick, much to California's delight. Her joy ended when America sharply reminded about doing dishes with her brother later this evening. The watching states (particularly Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada) sniggered at the visible pain in both Texas and Cali's eyes.
Soon everyone was sitting at the table, Dixie included, happily chowing down their dinner. Kansas was teasing Mississippi about his height, Wisconsin was talking about cheese, Texas and California were arguing again... America looked over his family and felt -
He didn't know what he felt.
It was a good feeling. He felt satisfied. Like this was his place. He felt happy. And when was the last time America had felt happy?
It's good to see you like this. Dixie's voice rumbled in his head.
How long have you been listening?
Don't need to listen. Just watch.
America made eye contact with his brother across the table. Thank you, Dixie.
I didn't do anything.
America sighed. Look around this table and tell me you didn't help.
Dixie looked down at his plate. I did help I suppose. But I needed help too, once. You where there then.
America snorted aloud. Grudgingly.
Dixie chuckled. Then looked up, but he didn't meet America's eyes.
It was like he didn't hear him. Dixie's eyes scanned the table. America someone's here. I can feel them.
What do you-
Then Dixie shrieked in pain, grabbing the sides of his head.

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