Pacworld is a planet of only pacworlders. Until 8 Inklings and octolings Somehow Find a Portal from Inkopolis to Pacworld. they will need to find a way back to inkopolis. Or will they wanna stay? (Pac belongs to Namco. Splatoon belongs to Nintendo...
There was a ghost invasion with octolings in the school. but the team of 11 defeated them and got outside, they saw the most terrifying thing... (ok maybe not that terrifying)
(Y/N)'s POV
We saw Tons of ghosts and octolings all over the place, Chasing civillians around, and ocansinally, Trying to shoot/splat them.
We also saw the black and white figure from before as well as........DJ OCTAVIO!? HOW DID HE GET HERE!?
"Butrayus...." I heard Pac growl.
"Probobly the same reason as the Evil octolings!" Aqua said.
"Cmon, guys." Cyli said. "We got alot more chomping, Firing, And Splatting to do"
We then started to chomp, fire, and splat the enemies, Leaving a big mess of ink in our path. Woops. Good thing i have my water powers (if you don't like water powers, then you can change it) to help clean up while nobody else was looking.By the time we were finished, DJ Octavio tries to throw a punch at us, but we shot it back at him and he was sent flying while Butrayus disappeared back into the neather realm.
But that was when something just hit me...
I forgot to take my Dark-Heart resistant Pills
(Just so you know, the Dark Heart version of you makes you lose control of yourself and start murdering people. a side effect is that the person with the dark heart might cry blood or a black substance. they will also have a weapon randomly appear (a killing one) in their hand. also their hair (or in this case, tentical hair) will turn darker. their eyes will also be black and a different color, red and a different color, or just white. Kinda like the infected in piggy except that they randomly turn back to their normal selves and vice versa.)
Here's an example
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(i know there is no weapon in this. i forgot to add it. also i'm sorry it's my character instead of (Y/N). i was lazy)
I dropped to the ground while i was tearing up Blood/a black substance. Everyone gasped at this.
"(Y/N)!" Spyro shouted
"Whats going on With Her!?" Cyli asked in panic
"oh no..." Aqua said
"You guys know what's going on!?" Pac asked
"it's....." Jacob paused for a moment
"It's what!?" Cyli asked
"It's her dark heart form."
Both my eyes go to a black/red/all white and (O/C/O/F/C) (opposite color of favorate color) Instead of my Original (E/C) eyes. I saw my tentical hair turn into a darker (F/C). I had lost complete control over myself. I'd have a (F/K/W) (favorate killing weapon) in my hand. I was running twoards them with my (F/K/W), ready to murder them all.
Pac's POV
(Y/N) was running twoards us all with her (F/K/W), But we all dodged her stab. We tried capturing her with a cage, but she cut right through it. "dang she's strong" Cyli said. I then saw (Y/N) About to stab Erica. I blocked the stab, But it ended it up cutting my arm and leg. "PAC!!" Everyone screamed and ran right to me. (Y/N) turned back to normal and was looking at me in fear.
(Y/N)'s POV
I finally got control of myself and turned back to normal. But i saw Pac in front of me, Wounded and on the floor.
"P-Pac....!? W-what have i done....!?" i said
"It's not your fault, (Y/N). It was your Dark-heart Form" Pac said
Aqua Then used her healing powers to heal Pac from his wounds. I hugged pac, tearing up
"shh. There's no need to cry now. I'm ok. We're all ok." Pac said, wiping away my tears. I blushed at that
"you guys wanna head to pac it out burger after this?" Yugo asked all of us
"Yes please. eating out at pac it out burs Sounds nice right now, Yugo." I said
We then all got up and headed to pac it out burger.