Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

We were putting our accessories on and putting our hair in them cause ya know, tentical hair? getting ready for school (It was still a school year in the school).we were still kinda talking about the situation that happened.We kinda forgot to take off our weapons so yeah. 

"hey. you guys done yet?" Cyli asked us. 

"yeah. im just stick getting the hoodie on!" i said.

 when i finally managed to get it on, we met up with the three and started heading into school.

"wow! is this what your school is like?" Erica asked. 

"Yep" Pac said "Suprisingly you all have the same class as us." 

"C-cool!" i said.


"Pac? Cyli? Spyro? are those the transfer students?" the teacher asked the three.

 "yep. These are the eight new transfer students" Spyro said.

 "Can they introduce themselves?"

 "sure" Pac answered.

 "Im Jacob!" 


"The names Monica!" 

"My names Garrison" 




 "And i'm (Y/N)!". 

we all introduced ourselves one after another. "What school did you guys come from?" 

Oh Shoot! we need a name for the school! 

"Erm... P-Pactopia High!" i heard Yugo and Monica say 

"Great! now take a seat behind pac and Spiral, please."

 We all took all the 8 seats from behind pac and spiral. We Were learning About the War in Pacworld 

"cool. this is like the great turf war" i whispered quietly. 

Someone must have heard me because he asked me 

"what the heck is the great turf war?" 

Oh (boop) 

"i-it was a b-big thing back in out old school" i answered. 

"wow. that school must be freakish like you and your friends" the blonde hair guy said.

 i growled at this. nobody calls me or my friends freakish."have you looked in the mirror buddy?" i shot back at him.

 I can hear him get angry and come closer to me. He was about to punch me when i blocked it.

 he gasped at that while i pushed him back. Some people gasped at that as well. i don't think anyone stood up to that guy before.

 "Back Off the new student Skeebs." i heard spiral say.

 "But the Freak was being a total Knockoff!"

 "She was just trying to defend herself from people like you! now back off!"

 the skeebo guy ran back to his seat, saying"OK! OK!"

 "Thanks for sticking up for me, Spiral."

 "Don't Worry about it, (Y/N). But what made Him try to beat you up?"

 "well, I mumbled something about the great turf war, which he heard and asked me about it. i lied saying it was a big thing at our old school, But then he called me and my friends Freakish. I growled at that and asked if he's looked in the mirror. That's when he got all mad and decided to punch me but i blocked it and pushed him away. For some reason Everyone Gasped at that. So yeah. That's what happened." I said.

 "Woah jeeze! That's The popular Bully, Skeebo. Bareley Anyone Stands up to him." Spyro said.

 "Woah gosh! Me and Pac saw what happened!" Cyli said.

 it was time for lunch and Pac was dashing to the cafeteria. we turned into our squid/Octo forms and Swam Straight to the cafeteria right after pac while nobody was looking.

 by the time me and my friends got there, half the food was gone. We took what was left in our trays right before pac could eat it.

 "Woah! you guys came by fast!" pac said.

 By the time the others got there we already had the rest of the food on our trays but they assumed it was pac who ate all the food.


 me,aqua and the twins got in front of him before he did.

 "Hey! he didn't eat all the food!" Aqua said.

 "By the time we got there he only ate half" Eric said.

 "We Took What was left before pac ate it" Erica then said.

 "That's why There's not food left. But if you wanna pick a fight with pac, you gotta go through us first!" I said.

 He grabbed Erica by the collar. So quickly thinking, I shot some ink and turned into my squid form without nobody looking, Then i kicked Skeebo.....Where the sun don't shine. he let go of Erica and collasped to the floor. as he slowly got up though. i saw a bunch of ghosts.

 "It's a ghost invasion!" Pac shouted.

 by now, We already had our weapons out. Everyone was suprised that we had weapons. we tried shooting and splatting them with ink. but it wasn't working and was only stunning them for a few seconds.

 "Why isn't this working!?" Monica shouts.

 "Because they're ghosts!" Spiral shouted.

 We then see some evil Octolings and Octarians emerge from the floor.

 "WHAT ARE THOSE!?"Cyli screamed.

 "Octolings. The bad ones!" I Said.

"And the Octarians too!" Aqua said

 "How did they get here though!?" Garrison asked.

 "Let's just focus on taking them down." Jacob and Yugo said 

"Ok. We'll eat and fire at the ghosts while you splat the evil octolings and Octarians!" Pac then said.

 We were splatting the octolings and octarians while they were defeating the ghosts. For some reason, I was blushing when i saw pac eating the ghosts.

 What we didn't realize is that our hats and hoodies flew off while we were fighting. by the time we we're finished, we saw out hats on the ground and were all panicking. Everyone gasped at our apperance.

 "oh no..."

 people were then cheering. we picked up our accessories and put them in our bags. We shot some ink leading to out the front window. and swam out. We saw something so Frightening...

Pacman and Inklings (PMATGA /splatoon crossover) (Inkling reader x pacman)Where stories live. Discover now