Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was watching some funny tomodachi life bloopers on my Nintendo 3DS while Aqua was recording her song 'Tokyo teddy bear' (Don't own this)

(this one belongs to nintendo sword)

I was laughing to the point where i was sounding like a maniac who just escaped an insane asylum. I then heard mumbling.

Pac's Pov

What the heck was that!? it sounded like a mentally insane person. Hopefully it was just a hallucination.I went back to eating food.

(Y/n)'s POV

Oh crap! i really need to dial down on the laughter. Anyways i started to watch some of my own videos

(not kidding, The original video really belongs to me)

Again, I laughed to the point where i sounded like an insane maniac

Pac's POV

Ok, Thats it! I'm going to find out who's being a maniac! I met up with the others. The only person who i didn't see were Aqua and (Y/N).

"The laughing Must have either came from (Y/N) Or Aqua" Spiral said

"Spiral...Aqua is Recording her song" Cyli said

"So it has to be...."

"(Y/N)!" Everyone shouted at once

(Y/N)'s POV

I was dancing to one of the bloopers (with the boy in red), Dancing exactly like the boy and singing. I didn't realize that my friends were in my dorm

Pac's POV

What the F-


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(Y/N)'s POV

"we barbecued their heads!"

"Flushed their bodies down the toilet!"

"No More school forever-"

I then faced everyone else with sudden realization that they all saw me

"Oh hello police! what are you doing here?"

"what the heck were you doing?" Pac asked me.

"I was jut recreating a tomodachi life blooper"

"tomodachi life?"

I then showed them the game and the video. They were all laughing at this point. Our inkling and octoling friends left the dorm laughing*

Pacman and Inklings (PMATGA /splatoon crossover) (Inkling reader x pacman)Where stories live. Discover now