Chapter 5

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(Y/N)' POV

We were all at school helping out decorating for independence day. Oh, I'm sorry. I meant, Indepacdence day. 

I had my Squidphone On music with my earbuds in listing and quietly singing to entropical by sashimori while helping out With the Banner (Video not mine, Neither are the lyrics)

The sky is cold at night

Don't know the feeling of this

I'll show the way

Forget they've got cheats

Kept the beat barkin'

They owned the show

And they pocket all the gold

Don't stop

We serve it all for you

Baby watch it fall next time!

Go get em everyday

They put their trust in us

They taste your power

Stop. Don't make it up

Cause i'm sure

Those will make me end it

Caught alive!



Don't stop my echo


Put it all together

 敵大好きだ (I love my enemy)



You won't stop me


Love yourself

Deliver eighty splat bombs!

Let's go now


Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go!



Don't stop

We serve it all for you

Baby watch it fall next time

Go get em' every day

They put their trust in us

They taste your power

Stop. Don't make it up

Cause i'm sure

Those will make me end it

Caught alive!



Don't stop my echo


Put it all together 




You won't stop me.


Love yourself

Deliver Eighty splat bombs!

I saw everybody staring at me. I then took off my earbuds, kinda embarresed. I guess i sang too loud.Everybody then started to clap


"I Didn't know that she could sing that good!"

"That's amazing"

I could see pac blushing intensly, which cause me to blush

skeebo then kicked the ladder pac was on, making it wobble.Our friends tried to balance it back while i decided to give Skeebo a taste of his medicine.Good thing i have my piggy mask with me.

I put the piggy mask on and went behind skeebo, Waiting for him to turn his back. Once he did, he started screaming like a little girl.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Skeebo screamed

"BOO! YA BIG DINGLE/BULLY!" me and a pink ghost i didn't see screamed at him,causing him to fly.I met eye to eye with the pink ghost and we both screamed. me because she was a ghost. and her because probobly  i still had the piggy mask on. i took it off. Pac managed to get down and i see three other ghosts. A red one, a blue one, and a fat orange one.

"uh...P-Pac...?" Jacob said

"what is it, jacob?" pacasked jacob

We then all pointed to the ghosts.

"Blinky? Inky? Pinky? Clyde?" Spiral said

"Who are the eight......creatures?"  blinky asked

"Hey! We're inklings and octolings!" Monica shouted

"These guys are Aqua, Jacob, Garrison, Monica, Eric, Erica, Yugo, And (Y/N)" Pac said

"These are your friends, pac?" Inky asked

"yep." Cyli said

"How did they get here?" Clyde asked

Me and my friends started to explain the whole story, Including how we all got here, and proof that None of us are evil.

"And that's the story" Yugo said

"Well i did see Butrayus with an evil octopus. Maybe it was him who brought you in this world." Pinky said

Everyone growled at that. Why would Butrayus send us here!? And he's working with Octavio too!? that made my teeth grit. Why would Butrayus do this!? maybe because he wants to turn us into ghosts! The feeling of that made me shiver.

I then accidentally slipped on some ball which caused me to stumble and fall on Pac. "WOOOAAAAHHHH!!!!!" "OOF!" We were both blushing like crazy. What's even worse Is that the positions we were in looked very wrong Which made us blush even more. I quickly get off of him

"I'm so sorry Pac!" I apologized to him and helped him up.

"I ship it." Cyli said

"me too" Aqua said

"Is she your girfriend?" Pinky asked

"She's/I'm Not His/My Girlfriend!" Pac and i both said while blushing!

"Oh! we almost forgot to warn you! There's gonna be another ghost invasion! but Now they're Out for your Inkling and Octoling friends!" Blinky said. 

"W-What!? WHY ARE THEY OUT FOR US!?" Erica asked in fear.

"We don't know! They haven't said!" Inky said.

Then, a bunch of ghost and Octolings came outs of no where.

We Splatted all the octolings but the ghosts kept on multiplying.

"RUN AND HIDE!!" Pac Shouted at us.

We swam to the dorms and hid under the desk we heard some ghosts and octolings come in. they were looking everywhere. When they got away from the door, we took our chance and moved twoards the door. But Aqua accidentally stepped on button that made the animal make noise. That alerted the Ghosts and octolings so we started running.

"GET THEM!!!" i heard a ghost say

we continued to run until we ran into more ghosts and octolings

"WE'RE SURROUNDED" What's bad is that we left our weapons at our dorms! then all i saw was black.

Pacman and Inklings (PMATGA /splatoon crossover) (Inkling reader x pacman)Where stories live. Discover now