(5) 겨울 왕국

45 11 2

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real you weren't sure if it was actually a dream?

I feel like I am having one right now.

But there was no way it could be a dream. Everything was proven to me to not be a dream. I am still so confused about everything.

But the thing that is really making my head spin right now is that time has stopped.

Literally. Time has stopped.

I didn't even make it 3 steps out of the hospital room before I was frozen in place by what I was seeing.

Jhope laughed slightly as he took in my face of shock.

Nurses walking the halls were frozen in place, that tray of food one nurse is holding, meant for some patient, never to reach them. Papers suspended in mid-air, people's mouths left open in paused conversation, even their lungs seemed to have paused their breathing. Everything was so silent except for Jhope's chuckles. Those damn chuckled reminding me once again this is a dream.

"I paused time. I can't hold it for long so we better get going. Oh and close your mouth...you'll catch a fly," he says and starts walking away.

"How would I catch a fly in my mouth if time is...frozen," I say and rush after him, scared to be left alone in whatever nightmare I'm in.

He laughs and stops to look at me.  "I have to pause time in order to get you out. There would be too many questions of why BTS was here and why they dragged a girl with bloody clothes out of the hospital and into a car."

That's a good point but..., "Won't the world know that BTS was in a crash and it's expected for you to be in a hospital?"

We kept walking down the halls and take the stairs instead of the elevator. I could only assume since time was frozen the stairs were the only option to take. 

"The world thinks that the tour bus was empty when it was crashed into. We already adjusted our papers to reflect us being absent from the crash. When the crash happened, all of us except V were able to get away without being caught. V was to badly injured and pinned to use his gifts to hide. You were the only one to see him."

All I could say was a simple, "Oh." I was still trying to process everything and I direly needed a drink.

We come to an exit door in some hallway of the hospital. Opening it we walk out and see two black SUVs parked, their normally buzzing engines silenced and paused.

Walking up to one of the doors, Jhope opens it and gestures for me to get in. A quick thought of running right now flashes through head. I look to my left, the open parking lot, easy for me to run and not be caught.

"I wouldn't. We're not a human that requires us to physically chase you, but we're different. A simple snap of my fingers can have you pinned. But if you chose to run, I wouldn't stop you. You're scared. It's normal. But coming with us is the best way to figure things out," Jhope casually said and gestures toward the inside of the car again, his easy smile making it seem like it wasn't a scary decision.

Ahhh, fuck it.

I walk toward the car and slide in all the way to the window. Jhope slides in next to me in the back seat, sweat beading his brow. Weird because it wasn't that hot.

As soon as he shut the door, time resumed and all the sound returned and Jhopes harsh exhale. The slight vibration of the SUV that wasn't there a moment ago reminding me once again that this isn't a dream.

"We can go now," Jhope says in Korean to the man driving. I whip my head to him in utter surprise. "How did I understand that? I can't speak Korean."

"Oh but you can," he presses his finger to his mouth and nods to the driver, "We will talk about it later. Till then try to get some sleep. The drive will be a while."

So the guards don't know what they are? But then how come that are not questioning where a random girl in bloody clothes come from? I sit back in my seat with a huff. My day really has been wack. I have so many questions I want to ask but I don't think I'm prepared to hear the answers just yet. It was like the feeling you have when you know you failed a test and actually looking at the grade makes the feeling of failure worse.

"Where are we even going?" I do manage to ask.

"The airport. Jimin will have a change of clothes for you. When we get there, act like you are working by actually shadowing us. We can't hide you anymore. Don't ask questions unless we are sure no one is arou-" he stopped talking suddenly. His eyes relaxing while looking at me.

"You're tired. This is too much to take in right now. Get some sleep. The ride is about 2 hours to get to the airport. I'll wake you up before we get there," he said.

I could only imagine how I looked. I was tired. All the energy that I had earlier at the hospital was gone, leaving me feeling depleted and utterly exhausted both physically and mentally.

Sighing in some emotion I didn't know, I close my eyes and lean my head against the cool car window.  I don't know what tomorrow has in store for me, all I can do is ride it out.

Quickly, the beautiful darkness of sleep takes me.

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