(7) 떨다

46 10 1

Stepping off the plane and into the strange night air was a refreshing feeling.

We landed 30 mins ago and I once again put on my glasses and walked to the waiting vans outside as part of the staff.

I now stood outside one of the vans waiting for the rest of the staff to get here before we could leave to wherever.

As a journalist, I have traveled a lot. South Korea being one of the many places I've been to for reports...but this time felt different here.

I couldn't tell if it was a bad or a good feeling. I just wanted to be back at home with Alayna drinking wine and watching Stranger Things for the millionth time. She must be so worried over where I am right now. I can only imagine the panic going through her right now.

"You ready?" I jumped at the startling voice of Jhope. One of the guards slides open the vans door and he climbs in to the very back. I climb in after him and settle down in the seat next to him.

I clear my throat and look at him, "So what's going to happen now?" 

I jerked back when he reaches out and takes my sunglasses off.  "I like to see the faces of the people I'm talking to. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"Its okay," I breath as I try to steady my heart. If he could stop time, I can't even imagine what else he could do. It was....scary.

"Were going to go to the hotel near where our award show is tommorow," he says and pulls out his phone when the sound of a text goes off.

"Can I borrow your phone? I would really love to call my sister," I ask. He smiles and hands out his phone. I nod my head in thanks and quickly type in my sister's number. I was so thankful for the long hours of pestering she gave me untill I remembered her number, other wise I wouldn't be able to call her.

The phone rings and on the third I hear her pick up.

"Look I'm not interested in whatever you saying I won or need to do. I have more important things to wor-"

"Alayna, it's Nova," I interject.

"rry about and you...N-novalee? Oh my God! Are you okay! I was panicking!"

She was talking so loud I had to turn the volume down just so her screaming wouldn't feel the car. Even with it turned down, she was still loud.

"I'm fine," I laugh lightly. A driver slides in up front and starts the van. I quickly buckle myef in as we start to drive.

"What do you mean your fine? We were talking then you started screaming and wouldn't answer me? Then I watch the news and see that their was a accident pile up near your job. I was worried sick you were in it but then some car company comes and drops off our undamaged car so I knew you weren't in the crash but WHERE WERE YOU?"

The car was undamaged? I flick my eyes to Jhope who looked at me and smirked. "Go along with it," he mouths at me. I raise my eyebrows is disbelief. What the hell was I going to tell her?

"Nova? Are you there?" I grip the phone tighter. I hate lying, especially to the people I love. But it has to be done.

"Yeah I'm still here. I saw the accident way ahead of me so I was able to stop in time. It just strartled me so I screamed. And guess what?"

"What?" I smiled at her fustrated voice.

"My crazy boss calls me so I hang up on you and answer her and she tells me to come back asap and to grab my emergency clothing bag and head straight to the airport."

" That bitch! I don't see why you just don't quit...but why didn't you just call me and tell me! Honestly Nova-"

"Let me finish. She told me I needed to be at the airport in an hour or I'll lose my job. And as much as it's sucky, I can't lose my job. But I was so mad that this happened at the same time as a crash, I threw my phone out the window of the car."

"Nova. What the fuck. Did you not stop and think about how stupid that was?"

"Yeah. I immediately regretted it. Luckily I was able to turn around amid the traffic and get to the office. I got to the office and grabbed my tickets and emergency bag and left. I decided to take the train because it would be faster and told Dave to just have the car dropped off back at the apartment for you. I'm so sorry Alayna, I should have called earlier."

"Mhmm, yeah you should have." I heard it in her voice. That tiny little strand of disbelief. She's known me for so long that she would the first one to call me out on my bullshit.

"Look I would love to talk more and tell you why I'm so pissed but the flight was long and I'm arriving at the hotel now. Ill call you later. I love you!"

"WAIT! Novalee! Where are you eve-" I press the end button and sigh. That was a mess. I don't even know what I'm going to say next time to her.

"You'll be able to tell her eventually..." I snap my head to Jhope. I pass his phone back to him and he slipps into his yellow pants.

"What do you mean? I thought you said I couldn't?" I ask him thinking about the black promise I did earlier with him.

"You can't right now but eventually I'll remove the black promise and it's up to you then on wether you want to tell her. You may not even want to by then."

I think about what he said. "Would her knowing about whatever you are...what I-I supposedly am now put her in danger?"

"No. The seven of us will not allow you or any of your family to get hurt. I only say you might not want to tell her so she doesn't look at you differently."

Oh. I guess he's right. Something he said though rubs me wrong though.

"You just said the seven of you won't allow me or my family to get hurt. That means there is a threat out there..." I say and pull my coat tighter around me. It made me shiver with fear at the thought my my family being in danger.

"Every one has enemies," he says. Quietly under his breath that I could hardly hear it, he says, "Especially us."

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