Chapter 08

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Here we go with a new chapter! Hope you enjoy it! and a happy new year to all the larry-shippers all over the world xx

Louis frowned, still trying to catch his breath. “What?”

Harry reached out for his pants, slowly pulling them on again. “What happens between you and I. That I f*ck you till you scream my name. That you are the one leaving bloody red scratches on my back. I don’t want anyone to know that. That’s a secret, right Lou? Yours and my little secret.”

The taller boy leaned over to the smaller one, pushing his fringe back and placing a soft kiss on his temple.

Louis gulped. “Why?”

The pain in his voice was so clear it was almost touchable.

“Because of what you did. It’s not like I jump around proudly and tell everyone what happened. We are not back again. There will never be an ‘us’ again. No ‘Larry Stylinson’ or how they called us back then. Keep that always back in your mind when you got my cock inside your tight little hole. Never. You are my dirty little secret. And you’ll stay like that.”

Louis nodded, unable to say anything against it. He couldn’t resist Harry. Even if he tried; he would be back in his bed with just a snip of his long graceful fingers.

“Always such a good boy.” Harry murmured; patted Louis soft hair and stood up, stretching his long body.

“I’ll walk back to Niall’s just to see if Zayn is still there. Wanna come with me?” He offered and looked back to still naked Louis curled up to a ball on his couch.

He looked up. “Yeah. Gimme a minute. Just put some clothes on.”

Harry waited patiently at the door. After a few minutes Louis show up dressed in black skinny jeans and a big grey jumper. It looked like it could be one of Harry’s old ones.

The both boys slowly walked through the cold morning air, not knowing what to talk about.

“How do we act if we meet in public?” Louis spoke up after a while.

Harry kicked a stone away and frowned. “Normal. Just like we don’t know each other. You don’t know me, Louis and I don’t know you. All we do is share some time under the bed sheets. Not more; not less.  If we meet in public act like that.”

The silent got back and Louis could feel his heart beating fast and hurtful against his rib cage. This Harry was good in hurting people just with words. He could be so charming and sweet. But he only shows this side of him when he wants Louis naked on the bed, legs spread wide and begging for him to get fucked.

So Louis decided to do what the curly head wanted. To act against his rules would be worse. And he’d lost Harry completely.

After a few more minutes they reached Niall’s flat and entered. The door’s always open. Harry walked down the aisle searching for his roommate. The kitchen was a completely mess, empty cups and bottles all around, liquor on the floor and some empty pizza cartons on the counter. The living room didn’t look any different and so does the rest of the flat.

“Harry! I think I found them.” He heard Louis high-pitched voice.

“Them? I’m just looking for Zayn and not for the whole school.” He hissed and looked in the room Louis pointing at.

It was the bedroom. Niall’s favorite place in his flat is the kitchen. So he kept his bedroom simple in white with just a big king size bed and a dark wooden wardrobe. The most interesting thing in his bedroom was what was IN this very large king size bed. Or better who.

Harry could see three bodies curled up against each other. Lying on their stomachs, snoring quietly bed sheets all over them just showing their bare feet, the shoulders and their heads.

Harry walked closer, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to keep down the chuckle. Louis stood right beside him a big grin on his face.

One of the bodies slowly started moving and raised his head. Zayn blinked sleepily and his gaze got from Harry to Louis and back again to Harry. Zayn laid on the right side of the bed and he swung his long legs out. He hissed with every move. Harrys and Louis grin got bigger with every second.

“So had fun last night you two?” The raven haired boy asked, stood up and sat down immediately again. His tanned skin went pale within seconds.

“Nope. He held my hair back when I threw this shit up you and the Irish little bastard got me to drink last night.” Harry answered and gesticulated to Louis.

Zayn frowned, gagged and threw up in the corner of Niall’s bedroom.

“Yep. Right. Just like that. But my hair is a little longer than yours.” Harry chuckled and Louis tried not to make deep breaths. Otherwise he would throw up right next to Zayn.

Zayn caught and got up from the bed again. His little show woke up the two other lads. They started shifting and they turned around slowly; making Harry and Louis braking down laughing and Zayn throwing up once again as he saw who they were.

“I’m hungry. Is there some pizza left?” A voice with a thick Irish accent called out. Niall’s eyes got wide as he saw Louis and Harry standing there and laughing their asses off.

“Ah yeah. That’s awkward.” They heard another voice.

Harry grinned. “Good morning Liam. Quite active weekend, isn’t it?”

Liam groaned, felt back onto the mattress and threw a pillow in Harry’s direction hitting Louis straight in the face and kicking him off of his feet and down to the ground.

Liam was on his feet within seconds. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! Everything alright?”

He wanted to move to Louis to help him up but stopped immediately as a sharp pain started in his lower back region.

“Guys I’m flattered that you all show of like that.  But please put some pants on or I’ll never be able to look in your face again.” Harry turned around and held one hand out to help Louis up.


Half an hour later the five boys sat more or less comfortable on Niall’s couch munching some pizza Louis managed to order for them.

“To ask what you did last night would be a waste of words. It’s obvious what happened. The most interesting thing is: how the hack did you got it so far?” Harry laughed again. This was clearly his new favorite topic and he wouldn’t let it down for the next weeks.

Liam’s cheeks are flushed in a dark red shade, Zayn tried to avoid everyone’s gaze and Niall was just his Irish self; happily chewing his pizza.

No one wanted to answer him and so the topic was dropped. For the first time.

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