Chapter 04

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Harry breathed in the cold morning air and started to jog around the park. He put in his headphones, listening to some music and tried to clear his mind. He couldn't even remember a time he used his brain so often like now, since he met Louis again at Niall's little party to be precisely.

Everybody would say Harry still had some feelings for Louis. Some romantic feelings. Love in some way. But that was totally wrong. Everything that came in his mind when he thought of Louis was hatred and anger. He still couldn't put a finger on it why the older boy left him. It bothered him and it broke him.

Louis disappeared like he has never existed in his life. Like they haven't been in love for more than three years. Like there has never had been a "we" or an "us".

And after two years of Harry trying to be brave and strong they met again. And it made Harry furious how Louis had the balls to tell him that he missed him.

This fucking asshole didn't know what he got through. He didn't feel the pain of being erased out of someone's life. He never had to pick up the damaged pieces of his broken heart and put them back together. He didn't care.

And now it was Harry who didn't give a single fuck about how Louis felt and what happens with him. He was just a guy with whom Harry would have some fun.

Harry stopped at a bench, gasping for air. Someone already sat on the bench, reading a thick novel, but Harry didn't care. Like always. He was a very selfish person. Harry turned his beanie and eyed up the other person. Definitely a guy. A small frame and with small graceful hands holding the novel with a thigh grip.

Harry recognized these hands. Those fingers. He remembered them very well. They once made him scream his name in pleasure as he reached his climax. Louis. It was always Louis. Harry grinned. Why not keep on playing the little game he started at the party?

He slowly walked around the bench, stopped right behind the older boy. He sighed slightly, leaning forward, wrapping his arms around Louis' chest, letting his hands slid down his torso. "Good morning, Lou." He whispered and felt the older boy stiffened.

"You shocked me Harry." He answered with a quiet voice. Harry just shrugged his shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked and tried to turn around to face Harry. "I went out for a run. But then is saw you and something different crossed my mind..." He smiled innocently down to Louis. The feathery haired boy cocked his head with a frown on his face, his novel pressed against his chest.

"You've a dirty mind, Harry." He grinned. "What's on your mind right now?"

Louis wouldn't be Louis if he wasn't interested in all the dirty things Harry was thinking about. Louis always was interested in dirty things.

"Well, we are all alone here. I just thought about working out a little bit different today. You looked so hot and so satisfied after I made you cum. After I gave you a bl*w job. After I wrapped my lips around your c*ck. Do you remember how my fingers felt inside you? Was a nice feeling, wasn't it?" Harry whispered in Louis ear, biting his earlobe gently causing Louis to shiver and moan slightly.

"Did you like it, Lou?" The curly head asked. Louis just nodded. If he tried to answer right now he would just have moaned louder.

Harry shook his head. "Nuh uh. I can't hear you, Louis. You have to open your mouth."

Louis gulped. "Yeah, I liked it." He whispered.

Harry grinned. "How far is your flat away from here?" Louis' blue eyes widened as he realized what exactly crossed Harrys mind earlier. "Right over there." He pointed to the entry of the park, round about 500 meters away. Harry pulled Louis up on his feet.

"C'mon Lou. You know what I want." Harry commanded and Louis followed suit .


Harry pushed Louis against his main door, hands roaming over his body, lips on his neck, sucking at Louis' sweet spot, making him moan. Louis managed to open the door before Harry could f*ck him right in the hallway.

Louis led Harry into his bedroom, just to be pushed down onto the bed, a growling Harry right above him. Louis pulled down Harry's beanie, tugging his fingers through Harry's soft curls.

The younger boy kissed and sucked on Louis tanned skin, leaving more than a hickey on his neck. As Zayn said. Like a high school slut.

Harry tugged off Louis shirt and opened his pants, tossing them down on the floor. He put his hand between Louis' thighs already feeling his hard member.

"Always so hard. Always so ready for me." The younger one whispered against Louis skin.

Louis whimpered and moved his hip in Harry's direction wanting him to do something. Harry chuckled and pulled down Louis boxers.

It felt like a throwback. Louis completely naked in front of him and he still full dressed. Both boys with a hard and arching member. Harry thanked god he didn't wore his tight jeans. That would be very painful right now. He pushed down his sweatpants together with his boxers and pulled away his shirt now as naked as Louis.

He held again two fingers in front of Louis mouth. "You know the drill, Louis. Suck it."

He commanded and watched Louis following his orders.

He pushed his fingers into Louis. Again and again. Making the older one moan and scratching Harry's back, leaving bloody mark on his skin.

"You. Know. What. I. Want." Harry hissed and pushed his fingers quicker and harder into Louis with every word.

"Say it."

Louis gasped and squeezed his eyes shot. Harry lowered himself down his ex' heated body, caressing the soft skin above his hips.

"Say it, Lou!" Harry said again, now sucking at Louis most sensitive area, still moving his fingers, hitting his prostate straight on.

"F-F*ck m-me, Harry." He moaned out loud and Harry crawled over Louis, placing his hard member against Louis bum.

"With pleasure." He mumbled and slammed into Louis.

The older lad screamed, half in pleasure half in pain. Harry started moving his hips against Louis, getting faster with every thrust. Louis moaned and gasped, his fingers tugging on the bed sheets. Harry's chest and his back were covered in sweat as he slammed a few more times into Louis reaching his climax at the same time as the boy beneath him.

The younger boy collapsed on the other one, rolled over to lie next to each other for just a moment. He felt his heart beating hard against his ribs. Louis turned around cuddling against Harry's chest, his arms wrapped around Harry's torso holding him thight.

"Where have you been Friday night? I was waiting for you." Louis whispered softly.

Harry suddenly sat up, pushing Louis away and putting his clothes back on.

"I was with Zayn." He simply answered and reached for the door.

"You are no longer the same as you were back then. Where did my dirty little boy go?" Louis voice sounded hurt and Harry held on for a moment.

"You broke this boy and took him with you as you left. He doesn't exist anymore." With these words he escaped Louis presence and slammed the door shut, quickly leaving Louis flat behind him.

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