Chapter 14

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Whoooo! 5,5 k reads! So: next chapter up! Hope you like it :)


Liam shoved his mobile back in his pants and smirked at Zayn.

"Oh keep that smug look. What did he say?" The tanned boy

asked and leaned closer.

The boy with the dark brown eyes tapped with his fingers on the table;

creating an annoying noise that drove Zayn crazy.

"I got the address. We really should worry about how easy you could
get things out of our Irish friend." He still smiled.

Zayn shrugged it off. "As long as we could use it to our advantage

it's alright."

He got off his chair and searched for a waiter to pay for their meal.

Meanwhile Liam did some research in his mobile to find the way to Louis' new

flat. Niall begged for acting like they didn't get the address from him. Liam

still wondered how he could keep this secret.

It's not like he could knock on his door and say 'Yeah hi Louis. We just

knocked at some doors and heeeeey is this your new flat?'. Louis would think

they are crazy. Well this was kind of crazy.

When did his life turned into something that could be the perfect stuff

for a cheesy novel?

Zayn came back and pulled Liam up from his chair; out of the restaurant

and down the street.

They talked about some stuff. Just Zayn knew that Harry and Louis have

been a thing some time ago. He knew how both boys met, how they shared their

first kiss and how Harry was scared to hell to tell his parents about it.


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