Chapter 19

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sooooo... It took me some time to come up with the new chapter!

But all those reads and comments and votes were so motivating that at some point the words just came... You are all doing some amazing work!

Here's the new chapter! Hope you like it!


It was still a little strange to be friends with someone you were once in love with and who was still the only person who could destroy you inside out. But Harry and Louis managed to keep their feelings and hearts out. Just doing stuff together with the other boys. Fooling around, pranking each other, parties or just some lazy movie nights. Simple things. They shared a lot of laugher and silly jokes but Louis was still a little suspicious about Edward.

The blonde boy was often around Harry when they met and they were a little too close for Louis preferred taste. So it was no surprise he once growled at the boy when Edward wrapped his arms around Harry's middle to pull him into a playful cuddle. Everyone noticed Louis tense and they indeed heard his growl but instead of mocking him they smiled and let them be. Harry on the other hand couldn't be more oblivious to what Louis did and how possessive he was about him.

But it can't be overlooked that both boys were way happier than a few month ago. They could be near each other without questioning it or without being questioned by other people. They celebrated Louis birthday together, they light up the sky on New Year's Eve and they worked hand in hand for a surprise party for Zayn's birthday. What both, Louis and Harry, couldn't remember was they even shared their first new year's kiss on point midnight. The other boys knew and remembered it. But they kept it as a secret because it would destroy more now than it would rescue.

When Harry's birthday was about to roll around things got a little awkward when they met at Harry and Zayn's shared flat. It should be all six of them (to Louis dislike they included Edward like he was there from the beginning) but in the end it was only Louis and Harry. Zayn disappeared with the argument he had to buy something and they got a text ten minutes later saying Zayn was going to stay with Liam who got ill out of nowhere. Niall called and excused himself because he was ill too and when Edward called coughing into the phone Harry just rolled his eyes. Little dipshits.

Louis tapped nervously with his tiptoes on the ground. "So it's only us?" He asked a little shy.

Harry sighed. "Yep. Still want to look through the old annual reports?" He ran his fingers through his loose curls and shot a little smile in Louis direction; who made his way to the couch getting comfortable and grabbing the first report flipping through the pages.

The curly haired boy sat down next to the elder and placed to big mugs with hot tea on the table. They flipped through the pages, laughing because of the funny pictures and the faces who tried to look serious. They started a little game with trying to figure out with whom and why the other had hooked up. To be honest the first question was not that difficult. Both boys have been sleeping with nearly everybody who wasn't too young.

Louis pointed at a picture of a guy with red dyed hair and a lip piercing. "Fucked? And if yes, why?" He shot Harry a wide grin. The other boy blushed and hid his face in his hands.

"Eh. Yes. Don't remind me. I was curious how the piercings felt." He mumbled barely hearable. Louis laughed. "Did you just say piercings? So he has more than this one at his lip?" Harry nodded, showing his tongue and pointing at his crotch. Louis hissed as he thought of a piercing in his private area. "Was it worth it?" Harry gave him a small nod before he pointed at another picture.

It went on like this for some time. It was Louis turn again and he saw a picture of the old basketball team. Most of them left the last year but two of the younger ones still attended the school. He eyed the faces and decided to ask Harry about the one lad who was a little smaller but had a mischievous grin on his face; he had left school last year with the others. "Hmm... What about this pretty little boy?"

Harry took the report to get a closer look. He stayed silent for a few minutes and Louis started to think he won't get an answer at all. He was about to flip to the next page when he heard Harry's deep raspy voice.

"Yeah." Louis blinked a few times.

"More than once?" The elder wiggled his eyebrows but was surprised when Harry nodded. Normally Harry would fuck once and then move on to the next one. But this boy seemed to be different. Louis leaned back and watched Harry.

"It went on over weeks before he left the school. He... eh... reminded me of someone." A small smile crept on Harry's plump lips.

"Someone from your past?" Louis asked not knowing if he crossed a line or not.

"Yeah. Ted was the guy's name from the basketball team. He was a sassy little bitch. But that was just one of the things that reminded me of the other guy. He was very special to me. And Ted was so similar but still different. No one was ever like the other one."

"What about the other guy? Ever seen again?" Louis crisscrossed his legs and leaned his chin on his hands.

"Mhm. Sometimes at school. Took long to see him again. But he didn't change, you know? Not at all. He still got his sassy ass. And his laugh. You really should hear it. It was my favourite sound. It still is." He whispered the last part.

"Didn't you try to get in contact with him again?" The corner of Louis lips lifted a little.

"Actually had contact with him. But somehow he managed to break my heart again." Harry gave him a sad smile and turned his attention back to the report.

"What about this curly haired lad?" Harry asked Louis; wanting to change the topic.

Louis took a closer look and his heartbeat stopped for a moment. Harry was pointing at a picture of himself. It was taken in the drama hall. Harry was on one of the audience seats without a shirt and just a bright red snapback on, his curls pushed back.

Louis laughed weakly. "Eh yeah. Well like you said. He also reminded me of someone. A guy from my past. They both looked like each other. Like twins. But this guy here had a completely different character. He was more mature, a grown man. Tattoos and stubble. A body like a man. Abs and muscles. The boy from my past was... yeah. A boy. He was so innocent and just a little ball of sunshine. Someone you had to like as soon as you get to know him. Like a little kitten. You just wanted to pull him into a hug and never let him go. And he was smaller and later the same height as me. But the guy from our school was taller. He was a man, far away from innocent and being like a little kitten. He was strong and always got what he wanted. He still is a heartbreaker, you know? You think twice before you hug him and you surely want to be a friend of him. Sort of a very popular guy at our school. But even if you are friends with him you never know if it's his real self or just some character he made up."

"You miss the boy?" Harry asked quietly.

Louis nodded eagerly. "Of course. Not a day passes without missing him. I would do anything just to be with him again."

"So you left him?"

"One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made." Louis admitted.

"What was your second biggest mistake?" Harry fiddled with his fingers, not daring to look Louis in the eyes.

"Leaving him twice."

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