ii. nothin' but a bad time : pt 1

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I WAS NOT having the the time of my life

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I WAS NOT having the the time of my life. I was forced to be here against my own will. Vera has took off somewhere to socialize with her other business associates while I was left here being a wallflower.

I hated parties, I loathed them. I would rather not be in a room full of drunk assholes. They were predictable when it involved a woman. They were pigs who weren't used to the word "no".

The only bearable thing about this party was my best friend Donna. Vera introduced me to her a few years back as her daughter. I was a little bit skeptical about being anywhere near her because the only real family I had was Vera, she assured me that Donna was the sweetest person and that I would gracefully get along with her. Boy, was she right.

Donna has been there for me through it all. From me freaking out about periods because I was yet to get mine so she had to explain it while I looked at her with utter disgust. I had asked her "how do I take it back" to which she looked at me dumbfounded and called for her mom who then explained that it's kind of a permanent thing. I was devastated.

"Okay I got the vodka and the whiskey which one do you prefer" Donna walked up to me waving the two bottles in the air.

I hurriedly grabbed the bottle of vodka from her hands and started chugging it. If I was going to be stuck at this party for god knows how long I was going to make the most of it and get shitfaced.

"Well okay that's fine i'll take the whiskey" Donna chuckled while opening up her bottle. "A lot of drunk assholes in here if i'm gonna sleep with one of them i'm gonna make sure I don't remember it" she chuckled and faced me noticing my sour mood.

"What are you doing" she questioned me putting the bottle on the counter we were standing next to.

"It's a party so i'm pretending to have fun" I said taking another swig of the bottle. "I think i'm succeeding so far"

"Oh c'mon Bri, it's a party go shake some ass on someone or better yet go fuck someone, i'll be your wing woman" Donna nudged my shoulder with her elbow pointing out guys she thought seemed compatible for me.

"How about you go shake some ass and i'll be here pretending to have the time of my life" I nudged her back with a sarcastic smile.

It's not like I was some prude or anything like that. I had my fair share of guys but it was a one time thing. I was gone before they even woke up. The fastest i've ever ran was when I accidentally woke up next to Richie Sambora. Yes, the guitarist from Bon Jovi. It was a total accident.

We met at one of these atrocious parties. He asked if I wanted to dance because he apparently knew who I was and was looking for a good time. Me being the predictable drunk said yes. We danced. We kissed. We fucked. That was the end of that I doubt he even remembers it as I do vividly do. I was out of that door faster than me getting drunk.

"Listen here I didn't get dragged by my mother as well just to not shake some ass with my best friend" she said putting the bottle down standing in front of me with determination. "So you and me are gonna shake some fucking ass because I said so" she finished motioning for us to dance with the rest of the drunkards.

I rolled my eyes knowing there was no way out of this manipulation Donna was asserting on me. "Alright i'll dance since you asked so damn nicely" I said taking her hand as she escorted us to the dance floor.

Dancing was my thing I had to admit. I was just in no mood to dance particularly tonight. A lot of sex crazed man watching your every move just waiting for the opportunity to pick you up and leave.

Also I knew who was here tonight. Vera has said this was an album release party for none other then Bon Jovi. They were here roaming around. And to make matters worse so was Richie Sambora, the man I slept with. I didn't mean to but there's no stopping me when i'm halfway done with a bottle of jack. There's no telling what i'm capable of. In my defense I was left unsupervised which is the only reason why that whole fiasco happened.

"See this isn't so bad, you were worried for nothing" Donna said grabbing my hand and spinning me around.

"Shit" I exclaimed loudly as Donna stepped on my damn toe in the middle of grinding her ass on me. She quickly turned around and looked at my pained face.

"Oh fuck, can't take me anywhere. I'm so sorry" she said wincing slightly.

"It's fine, I think i'm done for the night, i'm gonna go find Vera" I said starting to walk off, limping slightly. She stepped on my toe with her heel, and she calls herself a "great dancer" I think not.

Walking and looking over drunk bodies to see if I spot Vera anywhere I wasn't exactly paying attention to where I was going since my body clashed into something or rather someone.

"Fuck!" I said as I noticed the drink splattered all over my white dress. Looking up I was met with none other than Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora by his side. Just fucking perfect.


it's 11 in the morning
and i'm supposed to be
doing online classes
but i said fuck that
and wrote this chapter

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