iii. nothin' but a bad time : pt 2

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YOU KNOW THOSE moments where you wish your didn't exist? You regret everything you did? You wish the ground would swallow you whole? That's exactly how I felt at this god forsaken very moment.

I knew this party would've been a bad idea from the beginning. But of course Vera the optimist let me believe this was a good idea. It wasn't a good idea because now I was covered and drenched in vodka. I was pissed to say the least. And to add on top of it the two men standing before me were people I would've rather avoided.

I let out a heavy sigh and looked up noticing the mop of brown hair who was starring at me with a bored expression. No sincere apologies from him I thought to myself.

"You should watch where you're going, maybe then my vodka wouldn't have ended up on you" Jon said looking from my dress up to my pissed off expression.

"Maybe you should watch my foot go up your ass you dick" I spat out feeling the vodka stick to my skin. It was bad enough I had to attend this party but now getting a drink splashed on me is another level of 'fuck this' for me.

He looked borderline pissed off, for what I have no ideas considering he isn't the one drenched. He opened his mouth about to speak until the cowboy hat wearing guitarist decided to speak up.

"Hey! Brielle long time no see" he smirked eyeing up my body. Just great. Here I was thinking he wouldn't remember, I mean hell, he was a lot more intoxicated than I was that night.

In any case he could probably be a bigger dick than his friend who was currently glaring at me with his empty glass still in his hands.

"Richie, always a pleasure" i sarcastically smiled. "Your friend, not so much" I scowled at Jon who have the same expression as me but it quickly changed into a look of curiosity.

"Wait, you two know each other?" he asked looking between Richie and I. "Who would've thought—

"Who would've thought you'd be an even bigger dick as opposed to what people portray you as" I interrupted. "I mean you are what you lack" I finished off with a sinister smirk.

By this point Jon was fuming I can't say the same for Richie who was rather enjoying our banter. He was doubled over laughing. Jon glanced at my smug expression and the laughing bandmate beside him. He surely wasn't having the best night, I could say the same for me. He was ticked off and I had obviously pushed a few buttons but reality is I couldn't give a shit. Guys like him deserved every ounce of loathing. Not that it would be much considering he was Jon Bon fucking Jovi.

"You know sweetheart, what I lack is obviously something you don't know of. I can show you what I mean just like how you showed Richie here" he spat back now seeming to get rid of his empty glass.

I was pissed. How the fuck did he know about Richie and I. Well I obviously know. The cowboy hat wearing asshole told him, that was the only way he could've known. I took notice of Richie's wide eyes that seemed to have read 'why the fuck did you say that'

Not realizing what I was doing I snatched Richie's drink from his grasp and threw it right in Jons face who seemed to be caught off guard. He furiously wiped the vodka from his face glaring at me with such hatred.

I quickly scattered away from the scene I just caused and went to find the exit. I was in some deep shit now. Vera was definitely going to be on my ass in the morning.

I couldn't say Jon Bon Jovi didn't deserve it.

i'm a shitty person for the lack of updates, i'm getting better i promise.
also somewhat of a filler chapter but still a continuation of last chapter
thank you sooo freakin much for the votes and reads you guys fucking rock !!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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